Meeting the Lions and Hyenas

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Next, the girls and fairies saw Scar talking to a mouse. They still hid behind a rock watching him. Then Zazu appeared. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?" he asked. Scar sighed lightly. "What do you want?" he asked looking away. "I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way so you better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning" said Zazu. The mouse ran away. "Oh now look. Zazu, you made me lose my lunch" said Scar. "Ha. You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with hernia" said Zazu. "Oooh...I quiver with fear" said Scar. When he said fear, he crouched down and bared his teeth at Zazu. "Now Scar, don't look at me that way...HELP!" said Zazu before trying to fly away but Scar quickly pounced on him, catching him in his mouth. Then Mufasa appeared. "Scar!...Drop him." he said. "Impeccable timing, Your Majesty" said Zazu speaking from Scar's mouth. Scar spit him out. The girls and the fairies looked disgusted. "Why! If it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners" said Scar sarcastically overjoyed. "Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba" said Mufasa. "That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful" said Scar faking astonishment. Then he scraped his claws on the rock wall. Zazu, Saki, Mai and the fairies cringed at the sound. Scar admired his claws. "Must have slipped my mind" he said. While they continued talking Saki whispered to Mai "Boy, Scar sure can be dramatic". "I know right?" Mai whispered back. "Well, I was first in line...until the little hairball was born" said Scar. "That hairball is my son and your future king" said Mufasa. "Ohh I should practice my curtsy" said Scar before starting to walk away. "Don't turn your back on me, Scar" said Mufasa. "Oh no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me" said Scar. Then Mufasa roared and literally jumped in front of Scar, baring his teeth. "Is that a challenge?" he asked. "Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you" said Scar. "That roar scared me" Saki whispered to Mai. "It's okay Saki. Let's just go along with the story for now until its a good time for us to appear" Mai whispered back. "Okay" said Saki.

They carefully crawled away from the rock at an angle where Mufasa couldn't see them. They took a walk around the savannah. "The savannah is nicer than I imagined" said Mai. "Yeah. The air is so fresh and there's lots of room to move around in" said Saki. After a little bit of walking, they went back to Pride Rock where Mufasa showed Simba the savannah. They once again hid. Saki noticed the elephant graveyard. "Is that the place where Simba isn't supposed to go to?" she asked. "Yeah. Maybe we should meet him and Nala before then. I can't wait to talk to them!" said Mai excited. Then they followed Mufasa and Simba walk around the savannah. After Mufasa explained the Circle of Life, Zazu appeared. While giving the morning report Mai whispered "The part when Simba pounces on Zazu is a really good one". "Yeah, I'm sure its better in person" said Saki. When Simba pounced on Zazu, the girls giggled. Then when Zazu told Mufasa about the hyenas, Mufasa said "Zazu, take Simba home". "Oh dad, can I come?" Simba asked. "No, Simba" said Mufasa before rushing away. "I never get to go anywhere" said Simba walking away with Zazu. "What comes next?" Saki asked Mai. "Scar tricks Simba" said Mai. That made Saki a little worried. "Don't worry. When he goes to the graveyard with Nala, that's when we'll come out. Let's just wait until that part happens" said Mai.

So they waited until they saw Simba with Nala and Zazu walking. "Step lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave" he said. "Now let's follow them" Mai told Saki. So they followed them. After Zazu told Simba and Nala that someday they will get married, Saki stepped on a stick making it make a cracking sound while breaking. The cubs and Zazu turned around and saw Saki and Mai. Zazu immediately recognized what Saki and Mai were. "Humans?! What are they doing here?!" he asked shocked. "Humans?" Simba asked. "Yes humans. What we're looking at right now. Who are you and how did you get in the Pride Lands?" Zazu asked looking suspicious. "We're sorry. We...just got lost and ended up here" said Saki. Simba and Nala went closer to the girls. "I've never seen a real human before" said Simba. "Me neither" said Nala. "I'm Mai and this is Saki" said Mai. "My name's Simba and this is my friend Nala" said Simba. "Nice to meet you" said Nala. "Nice to meet you too" said Saki. Then the fairies came out of their communes and appeared. The cubs stepped back in alarm looking at the fairies. "Now I have no idea what you are" said Simba. "We're fairies from the Land of Fountains. I'm Flappy, the flower spirit-lapi" said Flappy. "I'm Choppy, the bird spirit-chopi" said Choppy. "I'm Moop, the moon spirit-mupu" said Moop. "And I'm Foop, the wind spirit-pupu" said Foop. "That's a lot of spirits" said Nala. "Anyway, going back generations will be the first thing to go when I'm the king" said Simba. "Not as long as I'm around" said Zazu. I Just Can't Wait To Be King started playing. "Mai, here comes one of my favorite songs!" Saki whispered to Mai. "Yeah, we should totally join in the song" Mai whispered back. Then Simba started singing.

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