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"Now to get them food" I grin

We ended up asking for help with the most recommended food for our animals. We ended up not buying a cage but a few stands and toys and hammocks. We bought a potty place for them as well. Once done and bought we lunged the stuff to the truck before going to the food court to eat. We split up for our food since we all mainly wanted different things. I went to Five Guys to order food. I got a bacon cheeseburger with five guys-style fries and an oreo cookie pieces milkshake. Once I had my food I went and found the others and we sat in a booth area. 

"Finally food!" Axton cheers digging into his Chinese food

I giggle and take a bit of my food and sigh happily I wiggle around in my seat happily. The others laughed at me amused. I just smile at them and we all make light conversation with each other while eating. 

"It's funny how we have to act human in public because we can't let others know we know what they are" River mused

I nod "It has to do with our protection I believe"

"Elementals are the only ones without a king or queen we choose this because we are a more peaceful species. It is commonly agreed thing no one knows that there are still elementals. Especially water elementals because they sometimes have the gift of healing." Pheonix explained, we all blinked at her and she pouts "what I had history today"

"Oh okay that explains it" River nods "Cause there is no way dad taught you that"

We heard a growl as Aria was about to speak. We look at each other on guard but keep talking "I promised my friends back home that I would buy souvenirs to take home for winter break"

"Ou I know the perfect place" Aria cheers jumping up

We laugh at her goofiness and throw away our trash. I kept my milkshake since I haven't finished it yet. On our way out of the food court, we saw a group of wolves. They were holding back their alpha. We all had our weapons tucked away inside our bags but easy access in case we need to grab them quickly. We all loop arms and walk away to our next store unknowingly leaving behind our mates. 

"Okay, what about this bracelet?" River asked 

We've been in this shop for half an hour and still haven't found anything for my mom. I look at the bracelet. It's a charm bracelet with a big ben on it, a big heart and a small one and a few more charms. "Perfect!" I squeal

"Yes" Pheonix and River cheer high-fiving

I giggle at them taking the bracelet and checking out "Ready?" I ask after I checked out

They nod and we walk out unknowingly being watched. I felt someone jump onto my back and I caught them stumbling a bit. They giggle while I laugh. It was Aria. "I'm tired of walking"

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