chapter 2

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I just finished my shift at work when I walk down the street to the store. Its 7 at night and I had a long day. Picking up the bottle of Shampoo I needed, I start to read the back of it. I really need something to control this frizz I got going on.

Reading while I walk and then BAM! I walk right into someone knocking the items to the floor.

"Crap. I am so sorry." I bend down to pick up the bottle when his hand touched mine. A shock goes through our touch. I look up to meet the emerald eyes. I pull back.

"Its alright miss." He has a movie on his hands. I couldn't get a look at the title but I would know that cover anywhere.

"The titanic." That all I could form.

"Why, yes. I love the movie." The corner of his mouth curves upwards into a half smile.

I bite my lower lip. I dont know what else to say. "Well, it was a pleasure bumping into you." I give him the best smile I can make.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine." He slightly bowed his head before turning away. I cant help but watch him as he walks away. His walk is graceful and he holds himself up with poise. I look up his body and that's when I see him looking back at me.


I panic and go to run in the other direction but I end up hitting a stack out of bars of soap on the floor.

God, Ivy! I cant believe that just happened.

I'm beating my self up about it.  I'm walking down the aisles mumbling to myself, trying to pass sometime to avoid running into him again.

Picking up a frozen pizza and some ice cream I head to the front to check out. Only two lines are open. Standing in the shorter line I see the grey suit I had ran into just moments ago.

Great, that plan didnt work. Maybe he was trying to do the same thing I was. Embarrassed to run into me again. Hell, I would be. I am! I go to stand in the longer line. I might have to stand here longer but it will be so worth it not having to talk to him again.

I do everything I can to keep myself from looking in his direction but so some unknown reason I keep looking, seeing if he was looking at me. That's when I meet the emerald eyes that freeze me to my spot.

My breathing hastens and my throat goes dry. I clear it, all the while staring right back at him. I cant break away. Something is keeping me from moving. He smiles. Oh that smile.

He moves up in line. I can see him making small talk with the cashier. She is smiling, giggling to herself. Apparently, he has that reaction with all the girls. He pays the young lady but before he walks away he meets my eyes.

He tells her one more thing before walking away. Hmm, that was odd.

"Oh, miss?" I look in the direction of the young lady. "I can get you right." She waves me over. I happily agree. Placing my items on the counter, I start to dig around in my bag for my card.

Crap. Not again.

I wasnt even paying attention to the cashier trying to hand me a receipt. I look up at her confused.

"Sorry, but I haven't paid yet."

"Its ok. Mr. Jacob's paid for you." She smiles at me blushing a bit when she says his name. "The gentleman before you." She clears the air from my confused look.

"Really? But I dont even know him." I take the paper.

"He does that kinda thing all the time." She hands me my stuff and tells me to have a good day. I smile at her and walk away.

Stunned by what has happened, I look down at the long paper with advertisements on it and see a small handwritten not.

It's been a pleasure

I cant stop smiling all the way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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