*Nine- Developing a Crush*

Start from the beginning

Why did I agree on coming to this damn trip? I blame my dad. He's the whole reason I'm here in the first place. I should've never agreed. No money is worth spending another two weeks with this brat. Just as I wipe a fallen tear from my cheek with the back of my hand, I feel someone grab my shoulder. I quickly move away, once I notice it's Harry.

"Look, I'm sorry." He says and I let out a fake laugh. I turn back around, so I'm not facing him, but he walks around me and stands in my direct view.

"Leave me alone."

"No, just come back inside." He goes to grab my arm, but I flinch away.

"Why? So, you can be rude to me some more!?" My voice raises and cracks. I can feel myself wanting to cry, but I hold them back. I'm not going to sob here, especially in front of Harry.

"That's all you ever are to me, Harry! You're rude to me for no reason! I try to be nice, but you just find ways to torment me! I'm sick of it and I'm going home!" I make the decision then and there that I want to go back home. I can't deal with him anymore. My dad can find someone else to do this for him.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to be nicer." His eyes turn soft as does his voice and I almost believe him. How can I though? He already told me he would try and be nicer, but he hasn't.

"You already said that." My voice is soft and I push him out of the way before making my way to the edge of the sidewalk. I look both ways and search for a cab, but there is none. "This is New York, I thought there was suppose to be a million taxis." I yell out and stomp my foot. I'm aware that I'm acting like a child, but it's Harry's fault. I can feel his body behind mine, but I continue my search for a ride back to the hotel.

"Olivia, I'm sorry. Really. Please, I swear I'll be nicer. I'm just pissed off okay?" I can hear his voice shake and when I turn around, he looks vulnerable. He's looking down at the ground and when he notices I'm turned around to face him, he looks up at me. His eyes look soft and the setting sun is shining on them, making them a lighter color. His jawline is shadowed and when he runs a hand through his silk hair, the strands bounce off his fingertips gracefully. He really is good-looking- hot even. He is definitely Mr. Styles son. I notice my staring and quickly try to remember what he last said, so I can respond.

"I get that your pissed off, but.."

"No, you don't." He cuts me off. "You don't know what it's like to have your dad bail on you every plan you make together!" He surprises me by raising his voice. "You know this isn't the first time this has happened? Just last year, for Thanksgiving, my dad planned us a trip to London. You think he went with me?" He laughs.

"I don't know." I sound weak.

"No! He got one of his stupid employees to take me. And you want to know what I did that whole trip? I spent it alone because the man, my dad hired, did what he wanted. And there were many more times that that exact same shit happened. And it's bound to happen again because you're just going to leave me and hang out with that Nate kid or whatever! Okay, so don't tell me that you get why I'm pissed off because you don't!" I can tell he is getting more upset as each word comes from his mouth. I'm glad that he is telling me this though. I can see why he was so mad with this whole trip and me leaving him to hang out with Niall. I feel kind of bad knowing all this, but that doesn't give him the right to be rude to me. Harry stays quiet, as do I. We keep our eyes locked on each other and I know he is waiting for me to say something, but I don't know what to say. Our silence is broken and our attention is gathered to the restaurant door being open.

"Excuse me, but are you guys' not staying here? We have people waiting to be seated." The same hostess asks us. Harry looks to me, waiting for me to respond. I really would like to just go home, but I can't bail on him like everyone else has.

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