Chapter Two: Who's that girl?

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I managed to keep control of the board even though the spray from the wave stung my eyes.

I knew my priorities; keep myself and the boy safe.

In the blur, I felt the sand under my feet. We’d made it!

All around me, everyone seemed oblivious to the fact that the boy was in trouble.

I pushed my board away from us and dragged him in to the sand.

“Help! This boy is passing out; he almost drowned in the surf!” I yelled at some of the people around me.

People rushed around him. One of the girls from a big group ran over to a lifeguard.

The lifeguard ran over whilst speaking into his radio.

“We’ve got a sitch over here!” he spoke clearly but rushed.

This was my opportunity to slip away without being noticed.

I fetched my board that was floating in the shallows and ran up the beach.

My wetsuit was still… well, wet. I peeled it off and was left in my bikini.

“Dunno!” I called into the open lifeguard tower door.

A blur of blonde hair appeared suddenly.


“Can you look after my board? I’m going.” I asked him nicely. He nodded and pointed for me to put it in the tower.

“See ya later sis!” He smiled and ruffled up my wet brown hair.

Maxi’s POV~

I awoke to the smell of aftershave and cleanliness. With my eyes still shut, I rolled over in my bed.

As I opened my eyes gingerly, the sunlight stung them. Bondi morning sun is always the best.

“I’m off Maxi, mate” The average height boy stood at the door whispered. I nodded in reply. He tipped his imaginary hat and ran off.

He was my roommate and fellow lifeguard, Jake Nolan but we call him Squishy.

Today was my first day off in two weeks. It was the very beginning of the summer and more and more people were arriving on the beach daily.

I was already awake and felt no overwhelming urge to lay back down and let sleep consume me.

My head span a little as I sat up straight and stretched.

The floor was cold underneath my bare feet but it was nothing I wasn’t used to.

I began humming to myself. Within seconds I began belting out the words whilst jumping about the kitchen.


I got dressed and was left with the major issue of the day: Where should I spend it?

Bronte seemed like the best option as the swell I could see from my window looked good.

All my colleagues would already be up and heading over to work as I was getting ready.

I’d broken my board and Dunno said I could use his as much as I like.

It was decided, I’d go to Bronte and surf then go out for a drink with the boys.


The swell looked amazing but there were already some professional boarders out there and some beginners too so I decided to wait until lunch when most of them would go home.

I sat down on the sand by the railings and looked out over my playground. I’d always loved the sea and left school at 16 to train to be a lifeguard. It’s what I had my heart set on. After a few years of perseverance… here I was.

Every so often, something would catch my eye from the water. A beginner surfer cutting another off or someone messing around but nothing serious. Even so, I wasn’t really meant to get involved with rescues on my day off anyway unless it was an emergency.

“E-e-e-xcuse m-m-m-me…” a little girl sobbed at my side. I stood up and let her embrace me around my thighs. She couldn’t have been any  more than seven.

“What’s wrong little nipper?”

“I lost my m-m-mumma” she continued to sob hysterically. With her still latched on to my side, I waddled over to the lifeguard tower.

“Matt mate, we’ve got a lost kid here!” I called over to Matt Dee. He sprung up out of his seat and knelt by the little girl.

He spoke gently and soothingly to her. He managed to ascertain some information about her.

“Maxi, we’re really short on staff today. Keep an eye out for me.” He called behind him at me as he escorted the little girl away.

As if there was some sort of force pulling my head, I turned to face the ocean. My eyes scanned the rolling waves for any signs of a struggle.

Left behind after a big wave I spotted a girl struggling with someone on her board.

Without think I ran back to the tower.

“MATT! WE HAVE A POSSIBLE VIC!” I shouted in the door. Matt appeared quickly with binoculars in hand.

A girl ran over to us in a panic.

“There’s a guy who passed out!” she squeals.

When we arrive, there’s a big group surrounding the guy but the girl I saw bring him in was nowhere to be seen. I looked over my shoulder at spotted her brown hair disappear off the beach.

Who was she?

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