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-Song of the Day: when the party's over by Billie Eilish-

Premise: This one shot occurs during Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Instead of trying to dispose of Riddle's diary in the girl's bathroom, Ginny gives it to a fifth year, named Y/N. What will happen between Tom and Y/N?

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Y/N was attempting to comfort a hysteric Ginny, who was sobbing in her arms as they sat together in the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Hey, it's okay," She said in a soothing tone. "I'll help you in any way I can, if only you tell me exactly what happened."

"I-It's this diary that I found," she sniffled, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her robes. "I-I don't know how I got it, b-but it's been making me do horrible things. And he always makes me f-forget about it after."

Y/N was extremely confused by Ginny's words. Poor girl seems to be going crazy. She thought with pity.

"Who is this 'he' you speak of?" She asked while rubbing Ginny's back comfortingly. She was certainly going to have a little 'chat' with the person who was causing her this much distress.

"H-His name is Tom. T-Tom Riddle," the young girl responded with fear in her voice.

"I don't recognize his name," Y/N stated, trying to dig for more information. "What year is he in?"

"N-No, you wouldn't k-know who he is," Ginny stuttered over her words. "H-He was a student at Hogwarts about f-fifty years ago, which was the l-last time the Chamber of Secrets w-was opened. He preserved himself in the d-diary in case it was ever opened again."

What the hell? Y/N thought, This 'Tom Riddle' character has really done a number on her.

"Would you mind giving me the diary so I can see what you're talking about?" She asked politely, looking at Ginny expectantly.

Ginny's eyes widened to the size of saucers, "No! No, you c-can't have it; he'll do bad things to you too! W-We have to get rid of it!"

The first year quickly got up from the couch and grabbed a gleaming black book from her bag. She began running to the door, but Y/N stopped her before she could leave the room.

"Ginny, think about this for a second!" she exclaimed. "I have to make sure what you're saying is true. And if it is, I promise we'll get rid of this diary together. But please, just give it to me so I can figure out what's going on here."

As she finished speaking, Ginny's entire demeanor suddenly changed. It was as if a flip had switched in her head. The tears stopped flowing from her eyes, and her face became completely emotionless.

"You're right, Y/N," she said calmly. "Here. I'm sorry for being so stupid."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as Ginny handed her the diary. She found it strange that just five seconds ago, Ginny was freaking out about the diary, but now, she seemed oddly relaxed as she handed it over.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Y/N inquired, growing suspicious.

"Of course," Ginny replied, giving her a small smile, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just that..." she trailed off, deciding to let it go. "Nevermind. I'll be at the library in case you need me, alright?"

She gave Y/N a firm nod, reassuring her that she could leave. As she exited through the portrait, she glanced back to see Ginny standing there, staring at her as it closed.

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