A Fairytale-like Life ♥

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          A life without miseries is like a candle remained unlighted. It stays the same, no change. As a cliché goes, “No pain, No gain”. Destiny lies in our hands. God made plans but it depends on us on how we handle each day that passes.  Many are dreaming of having a fairytale-like story and I also admit that I am one of them. When we say fairytale, we first think that it is full of mystery but still in the end, ends up in a statement “They lived happily ever after”.

            Our lives are indeed tough. Many sacrifices have been made, risks have been taken and many things have been left because of moving on. Just like in a fairytale, they also experienced many expenses that are really true and realistic. In the Cinderella story, after her father died, her stepmother and stepsisters treated her like a servant. In story of Beauty and The Beast, Belle’s father, Maurice was kidnapped. She panicked and convinced the beast to free her father. In Snow White, her evil stepmother, the Queen, feels threatened by her beauty and plans to have her killed. Aside from those stories, Peter Pan and his friends meet and do battle with exciting villains, such as a group of pirates led by Captain Hook even they are really afraid of those men. Same thing with the princess named Aurora, after a witch places a curse on her, she fell asleep for a long period of time.

            When we relate those situations in our lives, it may or may not be possible. Many problems are to be resolved and many persons are to be treated like Queens and Kings of their own kingdom. Servants should be treated fairly and righteously. Life’s a great gift from God but after deciding upon something, setbacks should be faced. God sends problems for He knows that we can solve it, in our own simple ways. Many instruments are there to help us, to comfort and to cheer us up. As we compare in magical stories, there are fairy Godmothers, dwarves, colleagues, fairies and relatives. Many sympathize and help to ease the pain we are going through in our existence here on earth.

            After all the things we have been undertaken since then, we are tested and taught by those lessons learned. No matter how many villains will come our way, we just need to have the courage just like what Peter Pan and his friends did when they fought against Captain Hook’s comrades and like Cinderella who always was patient on whatever her stepmother and stepsisters attempted to do against her. Similar to the storybook love stories, in the middle of agony, there is still someone who’s willing to save you against depression. There will still be a prince who will do everything to make you happy and will make you realize how beautiful life is.

          At the end of the day we will understand the true meaning of life. Like what Fr. Richard Daulo had said on his mass last Sunday, “We do not live just to eat but we eat in order to live”, which means that our lives are not about receiving always great things just for our own selves but as long as we live here on earth, we must learn how to share and not to be selfish about the blessings that we are obtaining each day.  If we know how to handle things, then the famous “They lived happily ever after” unquestionably does exist.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2012 ⏰

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