20. Do They Really Serve Mighty Meat Monster Pizza in Prison?

Start from the beginning

"All this talk about CANDY and CAKE is just making me even HUNGRIER!" Moose whined

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"All this talk about CANDY and CAKE is just making me even HUNGRIER!" Moose whined.

"Actually, I'm starting to get hungry too," Tucker admitted.

"So how about we call Queasy Cheesy? I've got a coupon in my pocket for thirty percent off a dozen cheesy breadsticks," Moose said.

"Dude! I'm in!" Tucker exclaimed. "Hey, Ralph! You want some cheesy breadsticks?"

"SURE! Let's just give away our location! And if we're lucky, we'll get ARRESTED and the pizza delivery guy will be able to ID our FACES as the perpetrators in the police lineup! All because you two BONEHEADS decided you wanted cheesy breadsticks!!" Ralph shouted sarcastically. "But the good news is, after we get a ten-year sentence, THEY'LL SERVE YOU PIZZA IN PRISON!!!"

Tucker blinked in disbelief. "Wait a minute! Pizza?! In . . . PRISON?!!"

I was like, DUH! You go to PRISON for burglary!

"What is it, Einstein?!" Ralph taunted. "Having second thoughts?"

"I'm just thinking. If there's pizza in prison, I could order Mighty Meat Monster. Or maybe sausage with pepperoni and green peppers. Last week I had ham with pineapple and mushrooms. That was delish!"

"And prison food is free, right? Can you imagine hot, cheesy FREE pizza?!" Moose drooled.

Ralph shook his head in complete disgust. Then he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"Both of you . . . just stop talking, okay? STOP! TALKING!" he growled as his face turned beet red. "THE NEXT PERSON WHO OPENS HIS BIG MOUTH IS GONNA GET SOMETHING TO EAT! A KNUCKLE SANDWICH! GOT THAT?!!"

Moose and Tucker frantically nodded, their mouths shut so tightly, it looked like they'd been sucking on tubes of superglue. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Then suddenly . . .



BEEP-BEEP! . . .

The three men froze as their eyes darted nervously around the room—they clearly were afraid they'd somehow set off a burglar alarm.

Actually, the burglar alarm sounded really familiar. And, weirder yet, it seemed to be coming from very close by.

I looked down at my wrist and gulped.


I couldn't believe this was actually happening to me. That's when I very awkwardly muttered . . .

I'd been spotted by the burglars!! My cover was blown!

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I'd been spotted by the burglars!! My cover was blown!

Let's just say they were NOT happy to see me.

I didn't move a muscle as my heart pounded in my ears like the bass in my favorite rap song. I was SO scared, I almost pooped my pants right there inside that vent! FOR REAL!

The three men slowly approached, staring up at me like I was a caged monkey at the Westchester Zoo or something!

"Yeah, Moose, you're right!" Tucker whispered gruffly. "There IS a kid up there!"

"I don't know WHO he is or WHAT he's doing. But, guys, I know ONE thing for sure . . . !" Ralph snarled menacingly.

"What's that, boss?" Tucker and Moose asked.

"When I get my hands on that kid . . .

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Max Crumbly x Female Reader "Locker Hero"Where stories live. Discover now