The Test

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Walking through the huge doors I ask the cop escorting me, "Will Bru... Umm Batman be there?"

"You don't need to pretend you don't know his name... I heard your parents were great friends with Bruce."

"Yes! He was like a second father to me..." The cop looks at me with a doubtful look, as he says; "Oh... Really?" I smile, "Yes... He has always been there when something in my life has happened!" His doubtful look turns into a smile, "Sound like he cares about you..." I shake my head, no, "Highly doubt that have you met him, he's so quiet and he gives orders like he knows everything!"

"Well, actually I have met him before, and actually once you get to know him, he's pretty cool!"

Walking to the end of the line of statues, a door opened, that I've never seen before. "Where are we going? I've never seen this door before!"

"That's the point! Nobody knows about this door, except the 'Justice League' and the police force." I turn to the cop, confused, "What do you use this room for?"

"It's for people we find that have powers!"

"Then why am I here? I don't have powers... Do I?"

"We're just going to check." The cop leaves me in the weird room alone.

A dark hallway led to a dead end. There was nothing in sight but metal walls. "Hello..." There's no answer, "Is anyone there?" The room was dark and I was alone, in a situation I didn't want to be in. "Please! Is someone there? Please don't leave me alone!" I was scared, I don't like being alone. Then a light flicked on and off, then all the way on. There was a pipe hooked to the floor. I turned around to see glass all around me. Water flowed in, reminding me of the day I lost my parents. Fear overtook me and I started banging on the glass all around me. 

The water was already up to my shoulder when I stopped banging on the glass. A few minutes later the water was over my head, but I never ran out of breath. Then when I breathed in it wasn't water that came in, it was air, but when I breathed out it wasn't bubbles or air, it was steam, like a flame touching water. Then I started to spin and in an instant, the water was gone, it was like it wasn't there; except for my wet clothes. Then I just tapped the glass and it shattered.

The light flickered, off and on, then stayed off. Then I felt like I was being lifted up by, the one person I hate most of all, Superman. I was off the ground and I didn't even know exactly how to use my abilities, but there's one thing I definitely know how to do. I threw my leg back and aimed for the most painful spot. When it didn't work, I just fell asleep in an instance without really feeling tired.

It's cold, really cold! Am I dead? Wait I feel my heart beating.... Wait if I'm alive then where am I? I open one eye slightly, seeing Batman (Bruce) near me, I realize I'm probably safe. But then I hear other voices, so I keep my eyes closed.

"Jon'z what did your niece do to Kitaya?"

"Well, she just made her brain fall asleep."

"Why do you think, she tried to hurt me?"

"Well, she probably blames you for the death of her parents."

"But I knew her parents why would I hurt them?"

"Well, you were the last person she saw before her parents' car went into the water!"

"Maybe when she wakes up, we'll be able to sort these things out."

"Yeah if she wakes up!"

"What, it's not my fault!"

"You're the one who convinced me to let you let your niece do this to her!"

"Well, you're the one who said she could and approved it! Besides she just a little girl!"

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