twenty-three | real life

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Tom was pacing around the waiting room, his brow furrowed. He continuously looked up at the hallway Hallie was in, waiting for the doctor to let him in. 

"Hallie's fine," you said as Tom passed by you for what seemed like the hundredth time. "She's surrounded by professionals." 

"I know. . ." 

"Tom, people have been giving birth since the literal beginning of time. This isn't some new experience that the doctor's don't know how to deal with." Tom looked at you. 

"I'm just so nervous," he said, moving to sit beside you. You patted his shoulder. 

"Everything's going to be alright." He buried his head in his hands. 

"I'm terrified," he confessed. "What if I'm not ready to be a father?" 

"You're going to be a great father. And if you ever need help, you know that you can call me and I'll come, no matter what." Tom looked up at you, smiling faintly. 

"You're the best, Y/N," he said. You smiled jokingly at him. 

"I know." Tom laughed and seemed to relax. He sat back in his seat. 

"What do you think the gender is?" You shrugged. 

"What do you think it is?" 

"I don't know. Either way. . ." He smiled. "I'm going to be a dad." He took a deep breath. "I hope everything's going ok." 

"Everything's going fine. Hallie's strong." Tom nodded and ran his hands through his hair. You gave him another pat on the shoulder. "You're going to be fine." 

"Only if you promise to be the godmother." Tom looked up at you, and your eyes widened. 

"Y-you want me to be the godmother?" 

"Yes. Hallie and I both agree that you're the best one for the job." He smiled at you. "So. . . is that a yes?" You nodded fervently. 

"Yes, of course!" Tom grinned. 

"Then like you said, I'll be fine." 


An hour passed, and there was still no word from the doctor about Hallie and the baby. Tom was nervously pacing again, looking up occasionally down the hallway where Hallie was. You watched Tom, wishing that there was something that you could do to calm him down, but you didn't know what to say. 

Finally, a doctor came out into the waiting room, looking at a clipboard. 

"Tom Holland?" he asked, looking up. 

"That's me," Tom said, walking quickly toward the doctor. "Is everything alright? Is Hallie ok? What about the baby?" The doctor smiled, clearly used to being bombarded with questions. 

"Everything's fine," he said. "The birth went well with no complications. You can come back now." Tom nodded and started following the doctor. "Y/N, come on," he said, looking back at you. You quickly stood up and went after Tom, following as the doctor lead the two of you down the hall. "They're right in here," he said, gesturing to the room. "Congratulations." Tom nodded and swallowed nervously, looking at you. 

"Let's go meet your child," you said, smiling. Tom gave you a nervous smile and walked into the room. 

Hallie was laying on the bed, blankets pooled around her. Her mother was standing over her, smiling. Hallie looked up when you and Tom walked in, and her face broke out into a wide smile. She held up a small bundle in her arms. 

"Meet your son, Tom," she said. Tom took the bundle, smiling down. You saw tears in his eyes. 

"Hi there," he said, his voice catching. "Y/N, it's my son." You looked over Tom's shoulder and saw a small baby boy, his eyes closed in peaceful sleep.  

"He's perfect," you said. 

"I can't believe I have a son," Tom whispered. "I'm a father." Hallie smiled. 

"And you're going to be a great father." You nodded in agreement. 

"What's his name?" you asked. Tom glanced up at Hallie. 

"Carter," he said. "Carter Michael Holland. That's the name we decided if we had a boy." Hallie nodded. "Do you want to hold him?" he said, looking at you. You nodded. 

"Sure," you said, holding out your arms for him. Tom gave him to you, and you couldn't help but smile at him. 

"Hey there little cutie," you said, fawning over him. Carter started moving in your arms and opening his eyes. He let out a little whine. "You want your mommy?" you asked, handing him back to Hallie. She took him, bouncing him in her arms. 

"Hey, baby," she whispered. She looked up at Tom, smiling. Tom walked to her side, looking down at Carter. He reached down to gently touch his cheek. 

"Look at you," he whispered, smiling. You smiled at the two of them before deciding that they should have some time alone. 

Silently, you left the room. 

never mine / / t.h.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora