The start

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Bryans pov:

Standing or I should be saying floating in front of me was Elizabeth....

She was white and grey... She was a ghost I could tell by the way she looks...

I noticed I also looked like that... I was grey and white except for my brown eyes... Same with Lizzys green eyes...

Behing her was a big ball of light... It was bling my eyes...

Wich is very weird sice im supposed to be dead...

She wore a sadden but happy look on her ghostly face...

Elizabeth's pov:

I couldnt belive it he was there... Right infront of me...

I should be happy that hes here but im not...

I know why heres here... And its not a good thing either...

"Bryan..." I whispered/spoken

"Ya?" He asked worridely...

"You've been given a......"

Second chance

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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