Alternate Ending

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Rita was tied up and hung over the floodgate. She tried to fight against the ropes, but then gave up.

It was hopeless. Her family was among the rat crowd watching the World Cup final and all that she loved will be washed away by the Toad.

Then, she heard a familiar voice calling her.


Suddenly, a rat flew up to her, riding a fan with his waist tied to a rubber glove-made balloon.


"Roddy!" she cried.

Then, Roddy tried to reconcile with her for what happened while they were to Up Top.

"Rita, I'm sorry. I've been such a fool. Rita, you were right about me, you were right about everything! I should have admitted that, but I was afraid you wouldn't like me anymore-"

"Roddy..." Rita interrupted. "Do you think we can talk about this after you rescue me?"

Roddy nodded.

"Of course. There's no time."

As Roddy picked up Rita and placed her on his lap to help untie her, the Toad and the henchrats watched them, sneering evilly as they arrived on the elevator to the top floor.

"When that whistle blows, and everyone Up Top goes to the toilet, it's going to flush away the whole city!" continued Roddy.

"I know" said Rita, worriedly. "And my family are all down there."

"We've got to warn everyone."

The two leaned forward, pushing the fan towards the crowd in the city.

This enraged the Toad.

"Stop them!" he demanded.

At an instant, a blonde haired henchrat jumped into action, foolishly raced to the edge of the lair and fell into the water below.

The Toad growled and took a stapler from Thimblenose Ted and he started to use the stapler like a gun, laughing evilly like a mad man.

And then...


"Oh, dear" said Roddy quietly.

Instantly, Roddy and Rita went flying into the air around and around until the balloon ran out of air and the two fell to the ground.

Soon enough, Whitey and Fat Barry held Roddy and Rita, forcefully propping them up to face the Toad, who stepped forward.

"So, you think you would make a fool out of the Toad, eh?" grinned the Toad.

And then suddenly, the balloon landed on the Toad.

Like a child, he whimpered and shoved it away as if it were a crawling creature.

"You don't need us for that" smirked Rita.

But, the Toad quickly calmed his nerves and advanced on Roddy and Rita.

"Oh, you think you're sooo clever, don't you?" he said. "Well, I'll be the one laughing when every last, revolting rat is flushed away! For I shall repopulate the city with these!"

He pulled a rope to reveal hundreds of tadpoles in glass jars and bowls, then laughed as he jumped onto a tall ladder.

Roddy and Rita blinked in surprise and cringed away.


The henchrats gasped in shock, realizing what their boss' true plans were.

"Nasty" moaned Whitey.

Betrayal: Flushed Away Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now