Authors note, chapter 1 and 2

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The start of my fanfic. Idk what to call it yet. It's the first ever fanfic I've written so yes it sucks. Basically Bandit and Harper are 16, and due to some magic of fanfics, Gee is still only 37. I'm pretending he either never aged or had bandit when he was 21. Either way, the history of mcr is the same - band for 12 years then split. He made hesitant alien. In appearance he's danger days Gee mixed with revenge Gee. 


Finally the bell went, school was finished for the day! I ran out of the classroom door as soon as we were dismissed. I ran past the swarms of people collecting in the hallways and all the way to the school gates. With a lot of effort due to how short I am, I climbed up onto the brick wall and waited. Happily, I put my earphones into my ears and started playing music. After what seemed like forever, I saw my best friend emerge from the crowd. 

"Bandit!" I smiled, jumping off of the wall and jogging over to hug her. 

"Ready to go, Harps?" She asked as I put my headphones into my pocket and nodded. We walked out of the gates and continued until we got to her house. She fumbled around for her key and soon enough we were heading into her kitchen for snacks. I'd obviously been to Bandit's house lots of times, seeing as we are best friends and practically inseparable. Her house was a second home to me.

Just as I was stuffing my face with crisps, Bandit's dad walked in. Mr Way. My cheeks flushed red and I turned away in an attempt to hide. 

"Oh, hey Harper. You girls having a sleepover tonight?" He said, as cool as ever. Mr Way always seemed so cool and perfect, and he always walked in to see me embarrassing myself. Bandit babbled on about school and how her day had gone while I finished my crisps and threw some gum in my mouth. Every Friday since I could remember me and Bandit had sleepovers, taking it in turns to host.

Mid-daydream I heard a voice calling my name, I snapped out of it and looked up. Bandit was trying to talk to me. 

"Sorry B, I was daydreaming," I giggled, walking over to her and her dad. He smiled at me. 

"I used to spend most of my time daydreaming, it's nicer than reality as a teenager," Mr Way smirked at me. I nodded. Despite practically living here, I still hadn't gotten the hang of talking to her parents. I am, what's the way to put this, socially challenged.

"So, has your mum said you can dye your hair, Harper?" Mr Way asked me. How did he know I was going to dye my hair tonight? Bandit must have told him while I was daydreaming. 

"She's cool with it, I wouldn't do it if she wasn't. It's not exactly something you can hide," I laughed, slowly becoming slightly more confident. 

"True. What colour are you thinking of?" He said, flashing me a smile. I'd always loved Mr Way's smile, despite the fact he had tiny teeth and his smile was crooked.

"Purple," I replied, fumbling about in my bag for the dye I'd bought. Finally I found it and showed Mr Way. 

"If you want, I can help you two? I'm pretty good at dying hair," He giggled, pointing at his own hair. Since I'd known Bandit - 5 years - her dad had dyed his hair red, black, brown, blonde, bright yellow and orange. Now it was red again, with brown roots. His hair hung just above his shoulders and always looked perfect. I giggled too, nodding. Bandit was dying her hair blue and mine would be purple. We were so lucky that our school got a new head teacher and we were allowed to be a lot more free to express ourselves.

After finishing our conversation, me and B headed upstairs to her bedroom.


After watching youtubers for a while and painting eachother's nails, me and Bandit decided it was time we dyed our hair. We both wandered downstairs and went to find her dad. Bandit decided we'd find him faster if we split up, seeing as her house is pretty big. I walked left as we went down the stairs and looked around each of the doors to see empty rooms. Suddenly I heard the familiar beautiful singing of Mr Way. He was singing one of his old songs from an old band he was in, My Chemical Romance. I slowly walked towards his music room and listened to him singing. When I heard him finish the song, I quietly knocked on the door and walked in. 

"Oh, hi Harper. Where's Bandit?"

"We split up to find you, she wanted to ask if you'd dye our hair." I said with a smile, leaning against the door frame. 

"Of course, I'd love to," He said, whilst standing up and leading me out of the room.

We found bandit and lead to the bathroom. After laying down some towels and getting changed into one of B's old top's I sat cross legged in front of Mr Way. When he ran his hands through my mousy brown hair I felt butterflies in my stomach. No, what was I thinking. I can't have a crush on my best friend's dad. He's 37 and I'm only 15. I had a boyfriend and he was in the middle of a divorce. I'd been feeling this way for a while and I knew it was wrong, but it intensified when he touched me. I looked over at bandit and tried to concentrate on my conversation with her as Mr Way dyed my hair. 

"Oh sorry Harper," Mr Way mumbled as he accidentally got bleach on my face. 

"It's okay, Mr Way." I laughed, wiping off the bleach.

"That rhymes, and you can call me Gerard." he smirked. I nodded, sitting up straight again and continuing my conversation with B about the various band members she's in love with.


Soon Gerard had put the dye on my hair and Bandit's, and we sat talking and waited for the dye to develop. Bandit walked out of the bathroom suddenly, heading to her bedroom, leaving me alone with her dad. After a little awkward silence, Gerard walked up to me and sat down in front of me with his legs crossed. My heart raced as he put his hand under my chin, tipping my head up and smiling down at me. I leant forwards slightly, looking up into his eyes. Gerard took a piece of hair hanging down in front of my face, tucked it behind my ear and chuckled. I pulled back, confused. Suddenly, Bandit sprung back into the bathroom, sitting down on the floor with us. 

"I tried to find my iPod but I can't, I wanted some music." She explained with a smile. Gerard looked at her with a grin.

"Well, what song do you want?" Mr Way smiled. We said various suggestions and he filled the room with his beautiful voice. I shut my eyes and swayed with the music as he sung. 

..( cont)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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