Chapter 2

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You shoved the joint into an ash tray, extinguishing it.

"I wasn't done with that" Larry huffed "Lar I didn't want to smoke paper" "There was still weed in that" "Not enough"

He huffed and leaned his head back near your thigh. You tossed your head back into the bean bag chair and stare at his ceiling.

I wonder if Sal's okay..

Your mind began to wonder and you could hear Larry began to snore, obviously passed out.

You closed your eyes attempting to pass out as well, but your body wouldn't.

You let out a sigh and moved your hand to Larry's hair and played with it, trying to divert your mind. Larry smiled while snoring softly.

A few hours gone by and you looked at your phone, squinting at the brightness.

11:41 PM

You sighed, and closed your eyes again.

You soon drifted asleep.

You kept running through the apartment, turning around the sharp corner.

You felt the cold steel enter your stomach making you gasp.

You gripped your stomach as you fell to your knees.

"She's not coming back Y/n" A hooded figure growled in a distorted voice pushing you back, the figure hovered over you, a gloved hand grip the weapon and moved it down

"Don't ever speak about this"

You jumped gasping and huffing, sweating a lot and gripping your stomach. You could hear the radio crackling.

"Y/n? Larry?" A small quivering voice.

You looked over at Larry who was still passed out. You pushed yourself up and grabbed the radio, holding the button down "Sal it's Y/n I'm here"

You released the button waiting for a reply, as you go over to the draw string back and grabbed your hoodie, you quickly threw it on and walked out the back door trying not to wake Larry up.

You quickly went into the tree house to calm down.

"I hope I didn't wake you" You smiled to yourself and shook your head, "You didn't, what time is it?"


"Why are you up Sal? Are you okay?" You held the sleeves tightly.

"Yeah I'm okay, I just didn't have a good dream, you?"

You looked at the levels of the apartment, you could see that not a lot of lights were on.

"Another nightmare. Nightmare buddies" You joked laughing before you let the button go, you could hear him laugh in response but it wasn't muffled like earlier.

He must have his mask off

You could feel yourself smile. "Good one Y/n"

"Thanks, hey maybe you want to hang out with me and Lar tomorrow? We're going to explore the 5th floor"

"That could be fun, are you sure?"

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