"Freeze" - Mitsunari Baba (Kissed by the Baddest Bidder)

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Baba paused as he picked up the plates from the table, watching Kiyuki ready the dishwater in the kitchen. There she stood, dancing lightly while twirling her fingers under the water waiting for it to get as hot as possible, no doubt. It was so simple and mundane, but in that moment he felt incredibly blessed. She was such a blessing - her entire existence in his life was something he was in a constant state of gratitude for. She couldn't possibly comprehend what he was feeling for her in this unremarkable moment. He told her sweet nothings all the time, flirted, was playful and affectionate; made no motion of restraining how much he loved having her by his side. Everything he was feeling in this moment went far beyond any of that.

He made his way over with the plates and silverware, resting the dirty dishes on the counter to her left before taking his place to her right at the rinsing sink that was designated with the preferred not scalding water. It was only two sets of dishes; the pots were no big deal having soaked all through their pleasant meal. He emptied the drainer while she troubled the water until the amount of sudge pleased her. That little smile and nod of hers had him in heaven. How was this his life? How was she here with him in this moment? Washing dishes in his kitchen that had become hers? Her pretty hands on his dishes and dishcloth, every little detail seemed immensely important to him. He noted when she slipped the first plate into the rinsing water at his station, the white foam decorating the back of the hand he was resisting kissing. Carefully he placed the plate on the drying rack and they continued with their after-meal routine. 'Some things should stay the same,' he thought contentedly as he rearranged the dishes to properly accommodate the pot and frying pan.

She was drying the counter with the dishcloth when he accomplished his mission. 'Does this woman realize how she makes me feel?' He wondered. 'Does she know how perfect everything feels in this moment?' He smiled softly as she folded the cloth and hung over the faucet's neck.

"Good job again tonight," she said with a grateful smile, turning to leave the kitchen.

"Princess." Baba caught her by the wrist, stopping her from nearing the doorway.

She looked back at him. "What's up?"

He stared at her a moment. The question in her beautiful eyes, that dubious expression... He tugged her to tumble into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. 'Just for now,' he requested in his heart. "Let's just stay here for a moment," he whispered. He wanted time to stop. The simple bliss of her genuine companionship was something he wanted to dwell in for as long as he could.

He could feel time going by.

Second by second.

Breath by breath.

Moment by moment.

At the same time, the moment dragged to a stop. Her arms slowly came up around his back, as if she thought something was wrong.

He had so many words he wanted to say but at the same time he felt voicing them would break the spell. How could he make this moment of inexplicable content last for eternity? Her patience with his extended silent embrace only made him want to let go even less and hold on even more. He felt her hands moving up and down his back, felt her nuzzle into his chest. He let out a noiseless sigh, squeezing her gently while nuzzling the top of her head. 'I love you,' he thought. "I really, truly love you, Princess."

Written on August 24th 2018

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