Chapter 1

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"Hey, Nat," Clint said as he hung from the top of their bunk bed. They shared a room at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. But the bunk beds were all Clint's idea. "Did you just get a message from Fury just a second ago?"


"What do you think he wants?"

"I think we should probably go find out."

"Yeah, okay." Clint jumped down to the floor and the two went to Fury's office. Once they got in, they realized they weren't the only two called there.

Natasha recognized all of the other people in the room. S.H.I.E.L.D. had files on all of them.

Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Bruce Banner.

Clint and Natasha fell in line beside the other three, but Natasha and Steve were the only two that seemed to be taking this seriously. Tony was slouching while he looked around at everything, Clint had his hands in his pockets as he tapped his foot impatiently, and Bruce wasn't necessarily not serious, he just looked extremely nervous.

"I'm assuming you all want to know why you've been called here today," Director Fury said.

"Yeah, kind of," Stark retorted. Natasha shot a glare at him. She had been sent on a mission a while back to bring him here.

"As you know, this is a school for gifted students of all talents. Fighting, science, physics, and anything else like that. Well, you all have certain assets that I believe can be put to good use."

"What do you mean, sir?" Natasha asked.

"I'm assigning you all together as a team." That caused murmuring to begin from most of them. Some of it confused, the rest of it angry. "I've decided to call you the Avengers."

"Sir, with all due respect," Steve began, "but why us? We hardly know each other."

"Then get to. The world needs a team with your skill set. I don't really care if you like each other but you'd better learn to work with each other. So, your first assignment is the spend the next four hours together."

There was another outburst of murmurs.

"Now get out of my office." The five of them filed out.

Agent Hill turned towards the director.

"What about Thor?" she asked.

"We have no way to contact him so we'll just have to wait until he comes back down to Earth."

The newly found Avengers walked down the hall in silence.

"Where are we going?" Clint finally asked. "Because I'm getting hungry so I vote the cafeteria."

"Agreed," Natasha said. Tony rolled his eyes before pushing open the doors to the cafeteria.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could honestly care less about this whole team thing," Tony said. "So I say we sit at the same table in case Fury is watching, I have no doubt he is, but we don't have to say shit to each other."

"Agreed," Natasha said.

"Is that all you can say, princess?"

"Call me princess one more time and you won't be able to say anything at all."

"Right, right. I forgot. You might act all innocent but you're just Fury's little pet waiting for a command." Natasha tensed and moved towards him but Clint grabbed her wrist.

"Nat, don't," he whispered. She stepped back but glared at Tony.

"Tony, do you really think it's a good idea to start a fight with your new team?" Steve asked him.

"Oh, and I'm sure you'd know all about that since you went off on your own and got your ass stuck in the ice."

"Yeah, actually, I would. Because before that I led my team and we beat Red Skull."

"Oh wow. You are so damn special."

"Your dad sure thought so."

"Yeah, I noticed that. It was all he ever talked about. But he never said shit about his own kid. I thought maybe coming here would get me away from that but I guess I was wrong. Thank you, Mr. Rogers, for proving that."

"Guys, will you shut up?" Clint said. "I just wanted some food."

"Wait," Natasha added. "Where's Bruce?"

"Shit," Tony mumbled.

"Let's split up," Steve suggested. "We'll cover more ground."

"Alright, but I'm going with you, solider boy," Natasha said, walking past him. Steve followed soon after.

"Guess that leaves us," Clint said. "Let's just hope Bruce didn't freak out too much."

"Yeah. Let's." The boys walked off, searching for Bruce.

"So, what's your beef with Natasha?"

"Oh, you mean aside from the fact that she's a deadly assassin that could kill any of us if she wanted that also managed to trick me and brought me here?"

"Hey, the assassin thing isn't her fault."

"Oh yeah? Enlighten me."

"Okay, I will. Natasha is from Russia. But instead of getting to live a normal life, she was taken in by the Red Room. They would take in a bunch of little girls. They would train them. But they also hurt them. Natasha hates talking about it. She hardly ever does. I was sent on a mission to take her out, but I couldn't. When I aimed at her head, she didn't even move. She didn't fight back anymore."


"She wanted it to stop. I couldn't kill her. I convinced her to come with me, and S.H.I.E.L.D. took her in. I'm glad I did because she's my best friend, my sister. But they hurt her there, in ways you couldn't possibly imagine. So don't you dare think for a second that she's a bad person. She's trying her best. She's doing what she has to in order to survive. So just back off a little, okay?"

"Y-Yeah, okay."


Tony shoved his hands in his pocket and looked around for Bruce. He started to worry about him.

Although, if he Hulked out, they probably would have heard about it by now.

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