Total Serenity

13 1 0

I am in a garden
Sitting on the soft, bright green grass
In front of me is a calm river, shiny pebbles gleaming underneath it
I dip my feet into the water
The cool, calm water
The sky is a brilliant shade of blue
Scattered with fluffy white clouds
I sit underneath a cherry blossom tree
Pink petals scatter around me, soft and delicate
The warm sun shines on my skin
It is calm here
What is happening
The grass turns to thorns
The water turns into skin-dissolving acid
I jump up and cling to the tree
The cherry blossom petals suddenly turn to fire
The birds come over and violently peck my limbs, causing me to fall
Causing the thorns, which have tripled in size, to stab me
I lay there bleeding
Wondering how this hell was once the calmest place on Earth
It was once beautiful
Total serenity

some eDgY bOi poemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon