"DO IT, ED!"

Edmund stares down at the two of us with a determined look upon his face, and I watch in anticipation as he points the glowing sword directly at the sea serpent. Holding my breath, I practically yelp as he dives for the creature, stabbing it in its open mouth - a small war shout reaching my ears. All of a sudden, blue lightening bolts erupts from the serpents mouth and the green mist that is circling the ship automatically disappears - including the White Witch with one last scream. The creature itself falls limp and makes a splash as it collapses to the water - silence enveloping the ship, almost as if everyone is too scared to move. That is, until I hear shouts of joy and screams of glee bouncing around the ship - laughter echoing out, no doubt the source of disbelief. Laughing along with those around me, I hug Caspian in celebration before ushering about the ship - trying to find my best friend whom I had lost during the fight. Not that I have to look long, for Lucy Pevensie runs down from the wheel and engulfs me in a hug - the young babbling on about something or other. I can't seem to make out the words, but I can't seem to care - just too happy to have survived such a thing as this. As we pull away, my attention is drawn to the water - noticing it turning a bright blue in comparison to the shadow and gloom it was mere minutes ago. My eyes drift up, widening as I watch the darkness fade away and sunlight pour down on the Dawn Treader - warming me up ever so slightly. 

"The spell, its lifting."

I hum in agreement at Lucy's words - staring out in awe at the changing landscape. I mutter a soft 'thank Aslan' under my breath which causes my best friend to giggle - before her voice bounces around the ship as she shouts in glee.   


As the water is now crystal clear and a bright shade of blue, the sky rather clear as though Dark Island had never been, my eyes are drawn to dozens of boats floating toward the ship - every face I can see etched with fear, not that I blame them. All of a sudden, Gael appears by my side from wherever she had been hiding - her eyebrows furrowed as she searches the floating boats. Rhince stands behind his daughter, his hands placed gently upon her shoulder - the two gazing out in hope. Suddenly, wide grins spread across their faces as their voices shout out in happiness.   



And just like that, they jump into the blue sea and swim as fast as they can to their loved one - a smile etching itself onto my face as I know their family is going to be okay. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lucy and Edmund hugging tight - a small ounce of sadness spreading in my heart, the desire to hold my own brother close burning bright. However, before I can fall too deep into this feeling, I notice a small glint in Lucy's eyes as she walks toward me - Edmund now in deep conversation with Caspian.   

"I would say now is a better time than any. You have faith?"

My heartbeat increases as I stare past Lucy, watching Edmund subtly as he talks rather animatedly with Caspian. He looks awfully happy, and something inside me snaps - wanting to feel that happiness with him, no longer as just as friend. Nodding toward Lucy, I take a deep breath and wander toward the two males - ringing my hands together the closer I get. Each step I take, voice ensnare my senses - ones highlighting the good, and some the bad. Yet the closer I get, the more memories flood my mind - each and everyone of them creating happiness in my heart. Making up my mind, I come to a stop in front of Edmund - Caspian muttering some half-baked excuse leaving the two us alone, or as alone as we can be on a ship filled with crew. As Edmund sends me a small smile, I return the gesture - realising just how nervous I truly am. After all, these feelings have been growing for more than five years now. 

"Hey Ed."

A small awkward silence envelops us as I work up the courage to speak - Edmund also awfully quiet compared to his usual self. However, as he opens up his mouth to speak, I raise a hand and the words begin to tumble out of my mouth. 

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