"W-What?" Paris stepped back, feeling his face redden. "I-"

He suddenly turned around, his eyes scanning across the room and every part of him tensed up. I jumped out of Kay's closet and closed the doors. "What's wrong?" I asked, gently pulling the camera off his hands then examining it too. It felt weird. It made my head hurt too. I placed it back onto the closet, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. But I shook it off. What a weird camera.

"Nothing." Paris gave me a smile, I smiled back.

"Let's go, this place is giving me the creeps." I jogged out the room, Paris trailing behind me.


"Me and the boys at 3am, getting some coffee and sister tea at Starbucks." I jumped into the coffee shop, ignoring all the weird glances that came my way. Jeez, had jumping always felt that difficult?

"(Y/N), you know drinking coffee makes you extra extra hyper." Iris reminded me, sounding really worried. "And, it's not even 3am."

"I know but I just feel so...tired." I shrugged, ordering myself a cup of coffee for myself and tea for Iris.

"That's odd, you're literally never tired unless you didn't sleep enough." Iris sipped her tea, Paris looked like he wanted to say something too, but as you all know, puppets don't talk without their puppeteers.

I downed the coffee, scarily fast, which made Iris slightly squirm in her seat. "Yeah well, it'd be like that sometimes."

"Hey, let's head over to someplace that doesn't make it look like talking puppets are scary." I suggested. "I can tell our dear friend is just crying for attention at this point."

If Paris wasn't such a gentleman, he might have flipped me off right then and there. Iris agreed, despite still feeling a little concerned for me, and got up. I started to pul her towards the one place I could think of that didn't make Paris stand out too much.


"Are you mocking me?" Paris asked while I admired everything that was being sold in Hot Topic.

"What ever do you mean?" I hummed, picking up a shirt with Pennywise on it. Which physically made Paris cringed. Oh how I enjoy mocking him.

"And you're sure no one is going to scream when they see me." Paris asked, following me around the store. Iris was browsing somewhere else, something about giving me quality time with Paris or something. Was too tired to think sorry.

I clicked my tongue staring at Paris with an exaggerated offended tone. "Ugh! For shame! How dare you press X."

"Would you quit it with your pop culture references?" Paris growled. I snickered in response, going back to looking through the shirts. Man, even after coffee, I still feel absolutely drained. Moreover, I haven't felt like this in ages! Not even my once a month women's thing could get me down like this!

Theory confirmed, body is betraying me. But I'm too young to grow old!!!

"(Y/N)." Paris snapped his fingers in front of me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, mooooom." I rolled my eyes, I stumbled a bit before making my way to the next aisle.

"(Y/N), you've already looked around in that area." Paris pointed out.

"Right right." I mumbled. Paris folded him arms as he watched me exit the aisle and moved on the the next one.

Paris blocked my way and stood in front of me firmly and I knew no amount of begging could make him budge, so I decided to force my way around him. Unfortunately, my weakened state just made it look like I was trying to hug him.

"Paris, I said I'm fine." I gritted my teeth, he placed his hands on my shoulders and stared deeply into my eyes. We were about the same height, I was probably just a few inches shorter, but I was tall enough to meet him almost eye to eye. Which meant his height wasn't going to be a good advantage for him in arguments. Especially in the argument we were about to have.

"Look, I rarely show a drop of concern for humans but I'm being very serious right now. You are not okay, you need to go home." His grip on my shoulders tightened to emphasize how he was feeling but I only scoffed.

"Shove off, puppet boy, as much as I enjoy your existence, I'm going to say no to that chief." I managed to pull his hands off him and walked pass him. Paris growled and grabbed my hand, then shoved me into the dressing room and onto a wall. I winced upon impact and Paris cornered me by placing his hands on the wall behind me. Ah crud.

"Will you stop being such a stubborn little prick?" Paris lashed out, leaning his face close to mine. This feels...familiar.

He pressed his forehead onto mine and sighed, for once I actually felt air coming out of his mouth, I've never felt his breath before and it was oddly cold like his forehead. "I don't know why, but I really do care about you. And I almost hate it as much as I hate you."

"Well, how comforting." I boldly stated, but I felt a singe of pain when he said that. My heart was racing, he was too close for my comfort and I was beginning to feel claustrophobic.

Paris chuckled, his hands slipping off the wall and down onto my shoulders, then sliding down to my waist where they lingered. Cold. His touch was cold. I shivered slightly.

"You're mouthy." He whispered. It felt like we were back at Yumi's again, our noses touch and I started to feel his lips gently brush against mine. Icy. They were just as devoid of warmth as his hands.

Then he pressed forward.

Alarmed, my eyes widened and I felt myself trying get away as far as possible. I shoved him off me and kicked him away. I covered my mouth. What the heck?!

I just met this guy just a few days ago, this was too fast for me and although I seemed a bit clingy, I didn't intend for this to happen.

That's when I felt like gravity decided to pull me down twice as hard as usual and I fell to the hard floor.

"(Y/N)!" A male's voice yelled.

You're Awfully Rude(Paris x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now