Chapter Two

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Ariane arrived at Merlotte's at a quarter to seven that evening. The bar wasn't packed, but it wasn't slow, either. She walked in and took a seat at the bar, in front of Tara who had her feet propped up on the bar top, reading a book.

"Y'know, that's probably a health and safety violation," Ariane mentioned, grinning.

Tara lowered her book, her infamous attitude making an appearance before she noticed who it was. "Girl! Where the hell have you been?"

Ariane laughed. "Oh, you know, here and there."

Tara stood, hands on her hips and an eyebrow raised. "Here and there my ass. You come home after God knows how many years and you think 'here and there' is gonna fly? Uh-uh."

"I worked for the AVL for a while, so they did send me here and there, Tara." Ariane laughed.

"You worked for the freaking vampires?!" Tara exclaimed, slack jawed. "Are you crazy?"

"Jury's still out on that, I'm afraid," Sookie said as she walked over. "Tara, can I get a whiskey sour please?"

Tara set about making it. "I can't believe you, working for vampires!"

"What's wrong with vampires, Tara?" Ariane asked.

"They can hypnotize you, that's what! You never know if what you're doin' is what you want to be doin' or if it's what they're making you do," Tara said. "Plus, they look at humans like we're dinner."

"Only some of them," Sookie chimed in. "Bill doesn't."

Tara looked at it. "Yes, he does. You're just blind."

Sookie grabbed the whiskey sour and rolled her eyes, walking over to a table.

"What the hell are you yelling about out here, hooker?" Lafayette asked as he walked out of the kitchen. "I told Sam you shouldn't be working around people."

Tara turned toward him. "If you'd open your eyes, you'd see why I was yellin'," she said, gesturing toward Ariane.

A big smile appeared on Lafayette's face. "Hell girl, you are a sight for sore eyes," he said, walking over and wrapping Ariane in a tight hug. He pulled away and held her at arm's length. "We gotta get some food in you, you're skin and bones." Lafayette walked back toward the kitchen. "I'm making you a burger, no arguments!" he yelled over his shoulder.

Ariane shook her head and laughed. "If you listened to Lafayette, you'd think I don't eat."

Tara raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't look like you do."

Ariane looked down at herself. She supposed her shirt did hang off her a little bit, but it wasn't too bad. Definitely not bad enough to warrant an emergency Lafayette-burger. She opened her mouth to say so, but Tara fixed her with a glare that had her snapping her mouth shut.

Suddenly Tara stiffened and glowered over Ariane's shoulder toward the door. Ariane turned and found herself faced with Bill Compton and his disgusting, poor-me antebellum Civil War soldier act. It made Ariane want to vomit.

Unfortunately, his gaze was fixed on Sookie, who was across the bar serving a couple their drinks. Ariane watched as she looked up and started walking toward him. It looked like she was practically pulled to him and that he was the only thing that existed. That vampire was pathetic, preying on Sookie like that, although Ariane hadn't expected anything less from Compton when he was trying to procure something. She had witnessed his behavior enough times, after all.

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