"But you said I should never take something if it doesn't belong to me!"

"Si, that's true," she smiled widely. "But I don't want you to wait until you are comfortable. Even when life is hard, I'd want you to steal a moment of happiness. Promise me? Every day? You'll steal a moment."

"I promise, Abuela."

Now, a tear ran down Natalia's cheek. Abuela must've known back then the cancer was eating her stomach away. Natalia was grateful her Abuela tried to cram so much of her knowledge into Natalia in the two years while she was battling cancer. But still, as much as Natalia remembered how to live Abuela's way, she was still mad at the universe for taking her only living relative from her.

Ben touched her forearm lightly. "Are you okay?

Natalia swallowed and took a short breath before answering. "Yes, everything's good. My building's at the end of this block."

The brick building was one of those old New York buildings that shouldn't still be standing as it did when it was built decades ago. On either side of it, there were was a new building with new people who could afford to rent four or five times what she and Tanya paid. Soon, the their landlord was going to start pushing tenants out. At least that's what she thought, but Tanya swore to the heavens she wasn't going anywhere.

Who wanted to think about that reality? Where would they go?

She came up to the entrance and took out her phone to dial a number. "I just need a minute."

"I can wait out here--"

She put a finger to ask him to wait because the other person had picked up. "Antonio, are you home?"

"Natalia, baby. Yup, I'm home. You wanna come over? I brought home a bottle of wine that has your name on it."

Natalia rolled her eyes. "No, thanks! I just wanted to know if you were home because I'm bringing someone upstairs."

"You droppin' me?"

"I'm pretty sure you and I never got to the stage where I told you we had a chance."

He sighed. "Fine, bring him up. I'll be your watchdog."

He hung up and she smiled at Ben.

"Come on, let's go up. I can make you coffee or tea until your ride gets here."

"I'm not going upstairs with you." He scowled.

Her smile faltered. "Oh, are you worried about Antonio? I just wanted to see if he was home so he'd know I was bringing a stranger up. It's something my roommate, Tanya, does. The walls are paper thin, and if he's home, she feels safe going upstairs with a guy. We don't live with him or anything."

He blinked and started to rub his neck. "I wasn't thinking that, but thank you for reassuring me that you didn't just make me walk almost an hour when my feet were killing me to have your friend mug me."

"It wouldn't have worked anyway."


She quirked a smile. "You don't have any valuables on you. I did have to cover your bill."

He started to smile but then it died. "I didn't think I should go upstairs with you because you don't know me from Adam, and you seem to be too trustworthy. If you changed your mind and became uncomfortable, you might not tell me you wanted me in your space. You'd just let me stay until I was out of your hair and I didn't want to make you feel that way."

"Oh." She broke eye contact, her heart started to beat faster. How long had it been since someone cared about my well being? Tanya cared a little, but she was too flighty and didn't always pay attention to Natalia's needs. Antonio cared as long as we returned the favor and watched his parakeet when he was out of town. No, the last person to be selfless with Natalia was her Abuela. So, to hear Ben think about her comfort before his did something to her heart.

For Shelby's SakeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ