Chapter 2

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Hey there thx 4 commentin'. I appreciate it. :] so yeah. Here is:

Chapter 2


"Mmmm..."  I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.

I'm so tired, I guess I fell asleep during the movie, and Ky carried me to my room. That must explain why I'm so uncomfortable. I'm still in the same clothes as yesterday. 

"Ugh! Now I HAVE to take a shower," I said to myself. "I hate taking them in the morning! UGH!"

Stupid Ky. He could've woken me up, so that I could change my clothes. I screamed into my pillow, and then got up. I turned on the water, waiting for it to be warm, gathered my clothes, stripped, and got in. Y'know, it actually felt good. I relaxed under the warm waterfall, coming from my shower head. It was really nice. I think I was in there for a good 45 minutes. I got out and got dressed. I decided to wear a dark blue halter top, black skinny jean, and my black converse. My hair was still a little damp, but I just let it air-dry. It felt good. My hair was naturally straight, long, and in layers. It was a brownish-black color. But it really looks black, not the pure black. And my ice-blue eyes looked lively and as ghostly as ever. To me, it looked cool. Thought, sometimes it would scare people when I get mad and look at them. No one likes to see me mad. My eyes look like they could just see right through to you.

I walked down the stairs, yawning, when I entered the kitchen.  I said hi to the staff, and asked what was for breakfast. The chef gave me a plate full of crispy, juicy bacon, perfectly yellow, scrambled eggs, and some smoked sausage. It smelt sooooo damn good! I went through the doors, which lead to the dining room and sat down. I was about to eat when someone coughed, and I looked up. It was that guy from yesterday, and my bro. I swear that guy looks really familiar. Where have I seen that face before? Hmmm....

"Hey, there, what happened to 'Good morning Ky.'?" Ky asked. I gave him a 'whatever' look, and then got up to give him a hug. He smirked and I stuck my tongue out at him. We laughed.

"Good mornin', Jace. Did you sleep well in the guest room?" I asked. I smirked at Ky and he was giving a 'whatever' look. I giggled.

"Mornin', Mely. It was nice. I fell asleep almost immediately, when my head hit the pillow." He replied. "And thank you, for letting me stay the night."

"Oh, no problem," Ky told him. "Besides, you looked like you wouldn't be able to find a place to sleep soon."

"Ha-ha, that's true. I would've got lost anyway." He said.

"Ha-ha, umm..." I bit my lip and looked at Ky, then said, "If you want, you can stay at our house a little longer, until you find some place to stay. Our parents probably won't be back for awhile."

I looked at Ky and he sighed. He nodded and I smiled at him.

"Oh, ok. Thanks." Jay said. He smiled at me and Ky, and we both smiled back.

I finished eating and took my plate to the kitchen. Then, I went back to my room and turned on my phone. I saw that I had a few messages. I checked them and they were from my BFF's. The first one was from Alana Martins. She sent me a text me asking if I saw the news on TV yet. And I'll tell you this now, I HATE PRINCES! Yes, I hate princes. I know almost all girls should love princes, cause they're SUPPOSEDLY the ideal guy and all that shit. Yeah right. And I'm not one of them. I hate them cause they act arrogant, selfish, rude, bossy and are just plain bitchy. Yeah, I said bitchy, so what. Anyway the text said to turn on the TV and watch the news. I did and I was shocked.

"Breaking news. The youngest prince of Korile has been claimed as missing." The newsman said. "We do not know if he has been kidnapped or runaway. Here is a current picture of the prince. Please, if anyone has seen him, report it. Here are some comments from King Ignacio and Queen Kairi themselves."

The screen flashed over to a huge mansion. It looked medieval and modern merged together.

Queen Kairi was crying and King Ignacio was comforting her. King Ignacio and Queen Kairi were very kind people. How could their son run away from them? Or, who is stupid enough to kidnap their son?


When Mel left, it was only me and Jace. To be honest, I don't like him very much. He really does look like someone that I've seen before. But, who? I sighed, and he looked at me, confused. I just smiled at him. I finished eating, and left the plate for the maids to clean up. Yeah, I'm lazy, get over it. I went to the living room and turned on the TV. I was just surfing the channels, when the one with the news on it showed something interesting. I stopped surfing and leaned forward. My eyes went wide with shock.

"Breaking news. The youngest prince of Korile has been claimed as missing." The newsman said. "We do not know if he has been kidnapped or runaway. Here is a current picture of the prince. Please, if anyone has seen him, report it. Here are some comments from King Ignacio and Queen Kairi themselves."

The screen flashed over to a huge mansion. It looked medieval and modern merged together.

Queen Kairi was crying into the King's shoulder and King Ignacio was comforting her.

"Please, anyone who has seen my son, bring him back here." King Ignacio pleaded. He sounded so sincere and kind.

Queen Kairi lifted her head; her eyes were so swollen and red from all the crying.

"Please, anyone bring him back! I miss him so much!!" she wailed and placed her shoulder into King Ignacio's again.

Man, what a stupid prince. And if I remember that picture clearly, Jace looked exactly like him. My eyes widened at the sudden realization. No, it couldn't be...could it? Is Jace the prince of Korile? And, why did he run away?

Oh crap! I thought, if Mel saw this she would so freak, especially since Jace looked exactly like the prince. Shit, shit, shit!


Alrighty then. What will Mely do to Jace? And what will Jace do? Next chap'll start with Jace's p.o.v. Comment or vote and ill upload the next chap. Thx yall and srry for the long wait. I was kinda busy. Srry ill try to upload more often.  And srry if ky's p.o.v. is too short, if you want me to continue with his p.o.v. then just tell me and I will if not then I start with Jace's. Srry that it's short.

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