He turned back to look at you, his expression faltering slightly. You looked so innocent- pure, naive, and without a care. How could he live with himself if he hurt you..?

You tried your best to stay quiet and in your sleep-form, but you were freaking out. You didn't know the situation was bothering Ban so much. Frankly, he wasn't aware until now either.

Ban stood up and headed to the door, sighing. He glanced back at your form on the bed, then opened the door and left the room. He closed it quietly behind him, the ran a hand through his hair, yawning. He quickly scaled the stairs to the lower bar area, eager to begin his day with a strong alcohol.

However, the Goddesses just weren't on his side today.

"Hey Ban," said a serious voice. The man turned around, finding a child with brown-red hair sitting on a green leopard pillow. He groaned internally upon seeing King, but kept a stoic face plastered on his expression. "We need to talk."

Of course we do, Ban thought, annoyed.

"About what?"


Ughhhhhhhhh of course.

"What about her?"

"You're leading her on," King said accusingly. "And you need to stop."

"I'm not 'leading her on'," Ban snapped, suddenly irrationally defensive, "I think you just have a problem with me and her."

"Of course I do!" King's face turned beat red as he fumed at the Fox Sin. "You have told me countless times that you love Elaine, and Elaine is your one and only. I tried to tell you otherwise- that you like (y/n) because it's so ridiculously obvious- but you said I was wrong. Then you two got together, and then you attacked her for Elaine. You're not good enough for her- especially with all the shit you've put her through."

"The shit I've put her through? Are you serious?" Ban demanded, "Believe it or not, asshole, I have my own shit to deal with!"

"Don't drag her into that!" King clenched his fists and grit his teeth, glaring at Ban.

"I'm not! I'm keeping her away from it! All you ever do is say it's my fault, but have you ever stopped to consider anything but her?" Ban growled, "You have problems. Captain has problem. I have problems. (Y/N) has problems. We all have fucking problems! She's not special!"

"That's why you don't deserve her!" His shout was loud and furious. "She's the only person here who has been mentally destroyed beyond all belief! If I were here, I would've killed myself by now! So would you! She lost everything! She was tortured for most of her life! And this is how you treat her?" King jabbed a finger into Ban's chest. "I don't know why she fell for you. You are the worst of all of us. You didn't learn from your Sin. You're still just as greedy as before."

"You little-!" Ban snarled, grabbing King by the collar. "You don't know what you're talking about. The only reason I'm not with (y/n) right now is because I know she deserves better! I'm still fucking bent on finding Elaine and she doesn't deserve that! You dumbass- I'm not a fucking idiot!"

"Yes you are! You think you're helping her but you're just making her feel worse about herself!" King shouted, pushing himself out of Ban's grip. "Just tell her! It's so obvious, and you can't see it! She thinks it's all her fault!"

"Wh..." Ban's eyes widened, but his expression quickly turned back into a fuming glare. He grabbed King, rearing his fist back, and the Grizzly Sin quickly readied his Chastiefol to attack. "You fucking-"

Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now