Peter cried out in pain but didn't give up. He went to strike Miraz even while he was on the ground before rolling to the side to avoid his hits. Mary's eyes widened when Peter had already reached the end of their square and had nowhere to go. She held her breath as Peter used this to his advantage, kicking off from the edge to trip Miraz. The Telmarine fell with a grunt as Peter finally got up from the ground.

The sudden neighing of a horse caught Peter's attention. He looked over Miraz's shoulder and found Caspian and Susan exiting the forest on their way back to them. He furrowed his eyebrows, both in pain from his arm and confusion at why Susan had returned without Lucy.

"Does his Highness need a respite?" Miraz questioned once he had stood up as well.

"Five minutes?" Peter tried.


Mary was feeling a jumble of emotions as she watched Peter weakly walk back towards them and as Susan and Caspian got off their horse. How long could Peter last? Where was Lucy and Aslan?

Edmund gave Mary a worried look before slipping his hand away from hers, hurrying over to his brother. He picked his helmet up and placed an arm around his shoulder for support.

"Lucy," was the first thing Peter said.

"She got through," Susan reassured, glancing at Caspian. "With a little help."

"Thanks," Peter told Caspian sincerely.

"Well, you were busy," he said back.

"You better get up there," Peter said to Susan, looking at the row of archers situated on top of Aslan's How. "Just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word."

Susan stepped closer to Peter and wrapped an arm around him. She quickly let go when he gasped in pain, though.

"Sorry," she apologized.

"It's alright."

"Be careful."

Edmund could see from his peripherals that the Narnians were beginning to grow anxious. It had become oddly silent and he could tell even from the distance that their faces held expressions that were no longer as confident as earlier.

"Keep smiling," he ordered as Susan ran back into the How.

Peter faced the crowd and raised his sword. He forced a smile as the Narnians cheered again for their king.

Mary glanced at Miraz as Glozelle tightened a bandage around his knee where Peter had cut him and he winced noticeably.

"Seems like you cut him deeper than you thought," Mary said in an attempt to boost Peter's confidence.

"He's an old man," Peter replied as he tried to act like he wasn't hurting.

"I'd go over there right now and punch that wound of his if I could," Mary jokingly said. Thankfully, Peter cracked a small smile.

"Yeah, well, I didn't go unscathed either."

Mary decided to help him and gently raised his injured arm to remove his shield form under it. When she took it out from his arm, he groaned in pain and immediately grasped it with his free hand.

"I think it's dislocated," said Peter, taking in a sharp breath. Edmund approached his brother and held up the arm, inspecting it.

Peter continued, "What do you think happens back home if you die here?" He and Edmund shared concerned looks with one another, but the latter didn't have an answer to that question. "You know, you've always been there. I've never really — argh!"

Always || Edmund Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia) [1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat