Chapter 2

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Harry and Dudley were now five years old and since they both knew how to walk and talk they became best friends. They would always play together and sleep in the same room. Lily, James, Vernon and Petunia were very happy that their sons got on very well.

One day to the vampire palace a group of vampires came to talk with the queen and king so Vernon and Petunia stayed with harry and Dudley.

"Your Majesty we saw this girl way too close to your palace and she was moments away from coming in" said one of the vampires. The girl was terrified what they might do to her.

"We cant risk getting known by the town that we are vampires so I'm afraid that this girl can't leave knowing that we are actually vampires" said James.

"James she's only a little child surely she didn't mean any harm" Lily said looking at the terrified girl being held by the vampires and Lily felt very sorry for her so she tried to talk James out of it and leave her.

"Lily she saw our kind, there are hunters out there and we can't risk being seen by any mortal including a little girl, I know you feel sorry so do I believe me but we can't risk being caught by anyone in case there are hunters" James said and turned towards the girl. James then turned to the vampires and motioned them to suck her blood and kill her. Lily couldn't bare looking at this poor girl being killed so she just ran away looking for her son.

Moments later

"Lily what happened?" Petunia asked as she saw her sister running away crying.

"Can we talk somewhere in private?" she said and whispered "I don't want the kids to hear what happened" petunia nodded and followed her sister into an another room.

Lily explained everything to Petunia and Petunia gave her a big hug saying its going to be alright. A while after Lily calmed down and went back to her son. James already explained everything to Vernon and both of them decided to make their palace more secure so no one apart from vampires would know or see the palace.


Draco was now 5 years old and he was getting on very well with his big sister and she would always help out her parents when they couldn't look after Draco so she looked after him and they had this brother sister relationship and their parents were proud that their kids got on so well.

One day Lucius sent Hazel to go to the town to get something for him. While Hazel was on her way home she noticed a Large House in the distance. She was a curious child so she wanted to see what this house was since she never seen it before. when she got to the gate of it she got grabbed by a man and he called over three more men. When she looked at their face she noticed that they had sharp teeth and blood dripping from their mouths. She knew they were vampires and they didn't let go of her. They put something on her eyes so she couldn't see where they were going and took her inside a building. They took the blindfold off and she saw 2 thrones room with two people.

"Your Majesty we found this girl way too close to your palace and she was moments away from coming in" said one of the vampires. Hazel was terrified of vampires and she didn't know what they might do to her. She recognised the two people as the king and queen.  

"We can't risk getting known by the town that we are vampires so I'm afraid that this girl can't leave and knowing that we are actually vampires". Hazel knew that they are going to do something to her and she was scared that she might not see her family again.

"James she's only a little child surely she didn't mean any harm", the Queen sounded very sorry for Hazel so she tried to let her go but it didn't work.

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