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Last night I made a list of do's that I had planned to tackle today
Ha! Cackles a voice behind my ear, no u won't it mockingly says
We've been down this road too many times and can't u see it is I who leads the way
Each day it's the same thing, u make a list and u plan
And each day all I do is creep like a bandit and take that list and your day stands

Still- as a moon in the evening sky, still as pain that settles in the broken eyes
Even worst than that my child
I am still as a corpse that refused to hear your cry
It's hilarious that u never notice , it's a pity it isn't a sin
But I pro-Nathan have taken u hostage and u willingly allowed yourself to stay in the cycle you're in

I shaked my head so heavily my world began to blurr
Today is different I say with confidence to myself I'll complete everything on this list mark my words!
But the shadow engulfed me and compelled me to sit
Stop fighting she screams oh how I'm tired of your shit
We both know... you know
Your words are too weak like lies filled with guilt

She then points towards a book she knows I haven't read in a while, then across the room towards a toy that I haven't seen since I was a child
"You're thirsty" she whispers as she stay looking in my eyes
And before I can object to that statement my throat began to itch and it got dry
she says through gritted teeth , I know what's best for you , meeting your needs is a treat
Come , go back to bed, just relax, & close your eyes

The room goes cold , the room goes still
And by the time u realize
A whole day walked past
And there u are a prisoner to your bed
Tied like a ship mast
With one eye open , you and procrastination meet face 2 face
With a sly smile u say to yourself "see you tomorrow
Same time, same place.

Toyzz J

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