Chapter 2: Battle with Army

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Journal Entry #2: So far, it's pretty nice here in the Square. I've bumped into my old friend Goggles yesterday, and it was nice to see him again since it has been a long time. He showed my team and I around the Square, plus, he even introduced some of his friends to us. I am so glad we all got along very well. They told us about "Off the Hook" and they seem pretty chill. They also told us about "Square King Cup" and it sounds pretty fun to compete in, so I signed my team and I up to compete in this tournament. They say if someone is able to beat the king, they will be known as the next top champion. I heard this king had kept his reputation for almost 6 years! But, my team and I are only here to have fun, not for fame and glory. That's all for now, "Stay Fresh!".
I closed the book and shoved it in my weapon bag. I then got ready and headed out to the Square. As I had gotten to the Square, I spotted my team mates sitting at a table under an umbrella.
"Harpoons, harpoons, they're better than spoons!", I hear TM/N1 and TM/N2 sing. I sighed and headed towards them.
"Hey guys!", I greeted.
"Hi Y/N.", TM/N1 and TM/N2 greeted.
"Hi.....", TM/N3 said.
"Let's get going now, we are already late!", I yelled as I checked the clock on my squid phone.
We headed to the lobby and registered the battle with Army, from the S4.

(Time Skip)

"Alright! Who's up for some pro turfing?!", the first announcer said. She was short and stubby, and is wearing pink and white. I hear inklings say this is Pearl, one of the band members from "Off the Hook".
"On one end of Port Mackerel, we have Team Army, from the S4!", the second announcer said.
She was tall and wore all teal blue, along with black and silver. That must be Marina........."because of her body figure" inklings say.
"And on the other side, we have T/N/C, an S+!", Pearl announced, "are you ready!?".
"GO!!", they both yelled out.
We all started to paint our way towards the middle. My team and I made up a plan to beat serious people............ such as Army. (A/N: XD LOL) TM/N3 headed up to a high place with his/her charger. TM/N1 and TM/N2 went in separate ways (left and/or right) towards Army and his team. I stayed in the middle, hidden. Seconds had passed and Army's team had reached the middle. TM/N3 aimed at Forge, Amy's second in command, and splatted her. Although, this had alarmed the others. Blue and white sailor are too our opinion......I think. (A/N: idk) TM/N1 and TM/N2 were able to splat them both at the time. Army was all alone. I took my chance and tried to splat him, but got splatted instead.
"Gah.....his strategy is good, but not good enough.", I said to myself.
I got back to the middle and surprised splatted Army. I gathered my team mates at a hidden area of the stage and thought of a plan.
"So......we all witnessed Army's strategy. How can we overcome this technique? Suggestions anyone?", I whispered quietly to my team mates.
"Well, we did see them all carry and search their notebooks. Maybe they use it to think and study their opponents moves...", TM/N3 suggested.
", we may need to come up with something unexpected....", TM/N2 said.
"Right, and they don't know our special weapons yet, so we have an advantage.", TM/N1 replied.
"Then the plan is set, let's go.", I told them as we departed.
We got into our hiding spots and waited for Army and his team to come back to the middle. Almost the whole stage was covered in orange ink.

(Time Skip)

            Welp, one minute is left on the clock. It was time for our plan to come to play. I took my chance to jump out of my hiding place and splat White Sailor, alarming Army's team.
"There she is, get her!", Army yelled as he tried to splat me. I ran as fast as I could, charging up my special gauge. Leading them towards where TM/N1 and TM/N2 were hiding, they jumped out and activated their specials weapons, splatting Armt and his team. Since only TM/N1, TM/N2 and I were distracting Army and his team, TM/N3 was able to cover up some ground, so we have at least 40% coverage.
"Now ink the ground! Go go go!", I yelled as my team and I started to take back our turf.
"WOW! What an attack! We should have known. We should also take note of it down.", Army said as he and his team took out their notebooks and started to write things down. Therefore, the match was over.
"Judd, what's the results?", Pearl asked anxiously.
Marina was chattering with anxiety. Within a minute, Judd pulled out a F/C flag, indicating that my team and I won by 65%.
"Alright! We won!", TM/N1 exclaimed, jumping of joy with TM/N2.
We decided to celebrate our victory by going home and playing video games together.
"Hey Y/N-chan!", I heard a voice say, "Can my team and I come too!".
Unsurprisingly, Goggles caught with me and my team. I nodded my head and Goggles jumped with joy, pulling his team's hands, making sure they follow. I smiled as we were walking to my house, thinking of the wonderful things my team and I can do in the Square.

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