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Hey guys I know i only updated like a day ago but i have a couple of new ideas for this chapter and i dont want to forget them....plus im bored. Anyway I was watching Green Days new music videos and lots of people were mad at them because they say thats not Green Day! I still love them i will always be a Green Day fan. I mean if you guys are one of those people that are mad at Green Day then you arent real Green Day fans. Green Day is just trying something alittle different you cant live in the past forever! But I am alittle disappointed that their not the way they used to be but i still love them. :) Anyway i bet you guys are getting tired of hearing me so ill just get on with the story! Tell me what you guys think about this chapter in ur comments and if u liked it please vote,comment er whatever! THANK YOU!:)

~Melissa :D~

Chapter 2


We waited and waited and waited and still no Green Day. People didnt seem mad or impatient, was i the only one? These guys better hurry up because my body was aching and my cuts were burning and my bones were sore and the people around me kept jumping up and down from excitment and bumping into me making my body hurt even more. "When are they coming?!" i yelled over to Derek "I dont know they should be here already!" he yelled back over the crowd "Where's Max!?" i asked, Derek pointed over his shoulder to Max and a girl with red hair with snake bites. Max was talking to her and the girl was laughing, she was actually really pretty and she seemed like Max's type. I looked up at the stage and a man was standing by the microphone. I turned to look at Derek "Is that him?" I asked "No." he said looking confused "Hey I'm really sorry about this guys but Green Days gunna be alittle late i hope you guys don't mind they should be here any minute now." Everyone started to scream but not in a bad way they were screaming of excitement and jumping up and down which made my body hurt more because people kept bumping into me. The man smiled and left the stage and finally until i couldn't take it anymore "Hey Derek I'm gunna go to the bathroom okay ill be right back." i said "Okay just hurry up because their almost here." he said, I nodded and hurried through the crowd. My body was aching by the time i got to the bathroom because on my way there people kept bumping into me. making me fall and hurt even more. This was my first concert and out of all the days it had to be this one for me to be crying in agony.

Billie Joes P.O.V.

"Hey man wake up wake up!" I heard Mike say "what." i groaned as i pulled the covers over my head, Mike pulled them off me and opened the curtains. "Get up dude we over slept we're late for the concert!" Mike yelled, my eyes widened and i fell off the bed screaming "WHAT!"

"You heard me now hurry up and get dressed Tre even woke up before you." Mike said "Alright" i said putting on some black pants and a black button up shirt. "Aw shit! HEY MIKE!" I Screamed from the bathroom "How are we gunna get in if all our fans are there and the paparazzis'!" I yelled, I quickly combed my hair i didn't have to spend like an hour on it today since it was already kinda spikey. I went over to Mike "DAM! I didn't think that through!" he said as i put on my black shoes and tied my tie. I snapped my fingers "ah ha! I got it! Let's paint our faces so they won't recognize us!" i said, Mike frownded at me "We're already. late we dont have time to paint our faces and we don't even have paint!" he

said "Okay jeez don't worry we'll find a way to get in." Then Tre came in and said "I know let's just dress up like detectives!" he said "What the hell no way!" I said "Aaaww why not?" he whined "Because i don't wanna be a dam detective!" i said "Well i don't know about you guys but I'm goin as a detective." Tre said and then got off the tour bus. Mike shrugged and followed Tre. AH HA I know i could just put on a hat and some sun glasses and go through the back doors where the bathrooms are besides no one really goes there. I got a cap that fit my head alittle too big and some sun glasses and a hoodie so it could cover my face then i headed towards the back.

Angalena's P.O.V.

I pulled up my sleeves and looked at my cuts, they looked worse than before. They were bleeding and they burned like hell, it felt like my arms were on fire! This was the worst day to go to a concert. I pulled down my sleeves and headed out the bathroom. When I opened the door i heard someone yell behind it "Ow!" I closed the door and looked to see who i had hit. It was a guy that was wearing sun glasses, a hoodie, and a cap. "Oh my god!" I yelled, the guy quickly got up and covered my mouth "SSSSHHH!" He whisper yelled at me, I slapped his hand away "Don't sush me!" I yelled at him, he gave me a confused look "Look ill give you my autograph or whatever you want just don't yell." he whispered to me I gave him a confused look "WHAT! Why would i want your autograph!" I yelled at him. He put a finger on his lips telling me to be quiet again as he looked over his shoulder. "What are you running away from the cops er sumthin?" I asked he looked at me like if i was some kinda crazy person or something. "What no!" He whisper yelled "why would i be running away from the cops!?"

"I don't know you tell me?" i said putting my hand on my hip. "Wait do you know who i am?" he asked I gave him a wierd look "How am i gunna know who you are if I've never even met you?" i said, He just shook his head "You know forget it i don't have time for this." he said walking away. I shook my head and started to walk back "what a jerk." I muttered under my breath.

Billie Joes P.O.V.

"You know what i don't have time for this." I said and walked away. Why was she at a Green Day concert then if she didn't even know who we were. I wonder what her name is. Wait why was i thinking about this I don't even know her. But in some kind of way i was attracted to her. I mean when i saw her she wasn't bad looking or anything she was beautiful. But i wonder where she got those bruises and cuts that were on her face. But its not like i could ask her because i don't think we would see eachother again. "Billie! Come on man we gotta go!" Tre yelled, "I'm coming!" I quickly took off my glasses and hoodie and cap and got blue and ran to the stage.

Angelena's P.O.V.

I saw Derek and Max in the crowd and walked towards them. "Hey are they here yet?" i asked in a flat tone voice because i was still thinking about that jerk. I mean yeah he was the one that was supposed to be mad at me since i hit him with the door but who was he to tell me to shut up. As you can see i have anger issues. And plus i was really getting pissed off with all these people pushing me around and making my body ache more. "Yeah their here already their just warming up er sumthin." Max said "What's wrong you look mad?" Derek asked "Nothing i just ran into some jerk when i was coming back from the bathroom." i told him. "Well don't let him ruin your day we're suppose to be having fun today so don't let him ruin that." he said smiling at me. I smiled back at him and at that moment we heard a guitar. We both turned around to see who it was but there was no-one on stage we heard it again and again and now everyone including Derek and Max were singing "I'm having trouble trying to sleep! I'm counting sheep but running out!" i was confused what was going on then i heard a familiar voice on stage and turned around "As time ticks by and still i try no rest for cross tops in my mind! ON MY OWN HERE WE GO!" he sang. I couldn't really see his face that good because people kept jumping in front of me. So i just stood there and listened to the song.

Billie Joe's P.O.V.

When i finished singing Brain Stew/Jaded i began to sing Poprocks and Coke. "Wherever you go you know I'll be there If you go far you know I'll be there I'll go anywhere so I'll see you there!" I sang and everyone else started to sing along with me. "You place the name you know I'll be there You name the time you know I'll be there I'll go anywhere so I'll see you there! I don't care if you don't mind I'll be there not far behind I will keep in mind I'll be there for you!" I saw a girl standing in the front. My eyes widened alittle when i recognized who it was. It was the girl that i had ran into earlier. She looked like she was in pain and she didn't seem to be enjoying the concert so much either. I saw her look at me and then she started to talk to some guy that was next to her. I wonder who he was. Maybe it was her boyfriend or brother or sumthin, maybe he was the one who had brought her here and she didn't even know our band. When i finished Poprocks and Coke i started singing When i come around, and so it went on like that for hours until it was time to leave.

Sorry that the chapter was so short but Ill try n make the next one alittle longer:) Anyway PLEASE! Tell me what u thought of the story n please vote n comment it would mean a lot to me Thank you! Luv ya all very much! :)

~Melissa :)~

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