The Aftermath

68 9 12

5:00 PM

Yawning awkwardly at the passenger seat, Mihir tried to wake Dany up who was carelessly asleep with his head on the steering wheel.

"Dan, wake up buddy. You were supposed to drive us to camp and you're fucking sleeping here like a log", Mihir shouted on the top of his lungs.

Hearing the noise, Raynne and Nihad too stirred out of their sleepy selves in the backseat.

"What's with all this shouting guys. Are we there already?"

"With driver in la la land, we ain't supposed to reach on time sweetheart", Mihir replied to Raynne.

Hearing this, Nihad glared Mihir hard.

"What? Ok fine bro, Nihad's sweetheart. Happy?"

"Very much", he replied sarcastically while Raynne laughed at their banter.

"C'mon Dan Darling wake up it's me Sophie here!", Mihir chimed in a girlish voice to which Dan woke up with a horrified expression plastered all over his face.

"What? Where? Why? How? Shit! Someone save me from that leech Oh Jesus!"

The group burst into laughter seeing him all scared of his clingy ex girlfriend till now.

"Hey bro that's me, an upgraded version of Sophie. You like it?", Mihir joked just to annoy him.

"Shut up you idiot. You scared the shit out of me. You know she literally molested me last time I met her and you just can't play pranks on such assaults.", Dan faked a super hurt expression to which he received only snorts.

"Stop it now. Can you hear those sirens?", Said Nihad.

"Dan, did you hit someone?", Raynne asked skeptically trying to scare him.

"Daffuq are you saying. No I didn't as far as I know.", Dan replied rather too hurriedly.

"Whatever it is, let's move out of here now. We need to reach the spot soon and the sun is already setting."

All agreed to Nihad and quickly sped off the scene to continue on their route to the camp forest.
"We've come to a space travel or what? Look around... There are so many stars and all seems so near to us.", Raynne said dreamily admiring the beauty of her surroundings which had numerous colourful lights blinking at regular intervals.

"It's indeed to good to be true. Are they fireflies?", Asked Mihir.

"Ofcourse they are fireflies. We are entering the forest I guess."

"What do you mean by guess, Dan? We aren't lost or something right?", Mihir blurted almost instantly.

"I'm confused too. We didn't even come across a single bump. Forests are supposed to be bumpy isn't it?" Nihad expressed his views.

"It's a forest for the elites I guess!"

"Oh my my look who spoke. Raynne you serious... Lol", Mihir rolled on his seat laughing while the others too joined but soon stopped when Raynne glared at them.

"Ok my bad. But... What the hell! What's wrong with the networks. How do I play songs now!"Mihir cursed the networks.

"Did you expect a WiFi here idiot!", Raynne snapped back.

"Raynne-1 Mihir-1, It's a tie", Dan cheered stupidly while driving.

"Shut up", both Raynne and Mihir said in unison causing Nihad to do a facepalm on their constant bickering.

"OMG look there's a gateway to something I guess. It's so bright. Shall we go?", Dan asked.

"What if we get lost, and we don't even have navigation in phones cuz of network issues?"

"Raynne dude chill, what if it's a carnival? Let's explore it. What's say Nihad?", Said Mihir.

"I'm in. Let's see what's so special with you guys' peeking interest."

"So lets Go...!"
A voice echoed in the valley into which the four friends had entered through the gateway.

"What the... Wow it's beautiful;"
"Splendid as ever!"
"OMG it's has flying fairies. How's that even possible!"
"Did we just..."


*Times of India*
Four dead in severe accident on the highway between a car and a loaded truck yesterday evening. Truck driver survived miraculously.


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