The Begining... Part 1

Start from the beginning

I wake later to my mom shaking me "Mhari Mhari wake up"
" what's wrong mom I ask still half asleep " "there are some wolves here they attacked the men she's putting my jacket on hurriedly.
"I need you to take Paul and Annie and go and stay with your Aunt Rose and her pack till this blows over" I nod still totally in shock, she rubs my cheek
"where's dad" I whisper, she looks broken at that point and she lets a sob out she shakes her head and seems to have regained her composure back
"you and your brother and sister are special and there are men out there that would hurt you for it, you understand what I'm saying Mari" "yeah yeah mom "hide it," I notice now that she's shaking and her eyes are all swollen she's been crying she puts the backpack over my shoulders then Uncle Jason comes rushing into the room with Paul and Annie all ready. "Come Mari" were all heading down the stairs going by the front room I notice a strong smell it's coming from one of the rooms.
Then Annie drops her teddy my mom who held onto my arm lets me go to pick it up. Taking this chance I go towards the smell, my mom realising I'm not where she left me starts screaming "stop Mhari" but I had to know what I was smelling it was familiar to me but also smelled off even dead.
I opened the door to the room everything slowed down as I took in what I was seeing there in the middle of the room lay my father covered in his own blood, claw marks down his neck his eyes are open but he's not seeing anyone, because I realise he's the one that's dead his skins shredded so much blood I whimper "No Daddy" I start screaming in horror "Daddy" arms envelope me pulling me away but it's too late the image is burned into my memory 

Mari's moms p.o.v......
I can't go on, I can't last much longer I just need to get my kids to safety then I can be with my mate my heart feels like someones wrenched it out my chest my body's shaking I can barely see, the tears are blinding I can't hear anything other than a loud roaring in my ears, wait there's a terrible wailing noise sounds like a animal in pain it's ear-splitting then I realise the noise is coming from me.......

When Paul and Mari are in bed I go back downstairs to wait on my mate John he had to attend a meeting with another pack regarding the rogue pack that has been growing in size, there running up and down territory's lines kidnapping lone werewolves any that rejected them ended up slaughtered and dumped by the road as a warning, It was mainly young males around 14 &15 they were taking as they had just shifted so a lot of the packs had come together to see if they could find out who was leading the rogue pack. I start to get burning pain right across my belly as if someones clawed at me, then another on my back, I feel gnawing pain in my thigh, it goes on until I'm on my hands and knees shaking and crying with pain, I realise its not my pain but my mates he's hurt bad I try our mind link but he's blocked me out "John" I scream "please answer me" I beg.
"Sally" I feel a whisper in my mind like a caress "JOHN" I shout "yeah let us in were coming" its weak then
Jason appeared at the back window he was my mates younger brother "Sally QUICK OPEN THE DOOR" He screams at me, I race over its then I realise he's holding John up against the wall he's covered in blood it looks like he was attacked by a pack of wolves I see the severity of his wounds and realise he probably was in fact attacked by multiple wolves, I feel the bond that holds us together weakening, I lie him on the rug rip his shirt off,
and apart of me dies right there I don't need my gift as a healer to tell that he's not gonna make it, his stomach's been split open with Silver Devils Bain poison and that's lethal to our kind, I can heal most wounds but not poison he's dying...I look into Johns eyes there filling with tears he knows, he gives me a small smile and cups my cheek I put my head to his. 

"Hey baby" he whispers "I'm sorry theirs no coming back from this.... don't have much time left" I sob into his chest as he struggles with his last words "I love you," I'm heartbroken I can hear Jason sobbing behind me too."I love you too" I say back. "Now listen," he says his voice is a little bit stronger here "what I say" giving me a little shake, I nod  my head 
"Get the kids out take them to Rosie's, Adrian will look after them," he said I just nod he's talking about Rosie's who's my sister and her alpha. We both know I'll be following him soon anyway a mate goes mad without their other half " The packs fallen" he whispers brokenly I look on with horror that could only mean one thing they were all dead "oh god" I cry out "Hurry they'll come here next" he gets out, he's fading now I can feel him going "I kneel down and kiss his lips stroking his hair "I'll see you real soon baby" I sob
I'll be waiting" he mutters then he's gone ...
I'm broken now crying I put my head on his chest .. I'm suddenly pulled of "Get off me" I snarl not caring who it was "Sally sally there shouting and shaking me, its Jason
"We need to get the kids out of here remember John says take them to Rosies"
That's enough to snap me out of it a while at least, one last thing I tell myself then I can be with John we rush up the stairs Jason gets Paul and Annie I get Mhari, My eldest baby is strong a lot stronger then anyone knows, she's already started developing some of her abilities, most of the werewolves get there strength and speed at about 14 and that's it, some are stronger then others it all comes down to genes, but a select few like myself have an added ability I'm a healer Mhari's definitely gifted and so is Paul not sure about Annie yet she's still a bit young to tell. Paul, I suspect takes after me with the healing but Mhari well I suspect her gift is, even more, rarer, to date there's only one other with the same gift telekinesis but it won't fully manifest till she comes into her werewolf strength.
I won't get to see that I'll miss them.. we all get down to the hall outside the front room where John is, the stench of my mates blood is overwhelming, Annies favourite doll fall's to the floor I lean over to get it just then Mhari rushes into the room "NO" I shout but it's too late I hear her horrified scream when she sees her dad.
oh god, I didn't want her to remember this, Jason's managed to get Paul and Annie in the car.
I pull a screaming Mhari away from her father and hug her "I'm sorry baby" she quietens her big green eyes are like huge saucers in her pale face "mommy your not coming with us are you" "no baby" I smooth her hair out of her eyes one last time "I need to stay with daddy" she understands a lot more then I want her too.
"I love you and your brother and sister never forget" "I won't," I say I feel my heart breaking all over again her little frame stiffens up I pull away to see her face only to see it frozen I look to what she looking at, there at the back doors looking in was a big ugly brown wolf its claws started to scrape the glass where it's making an awful screeching noise its head was pressed up to the glass licking it, it looked like it was smirking at us its mouth was frothing and drooling its yellow eyes studying us it looked at Mhari and I knew it wanted her it stepped back from the glass, that seemed to snap me out of it, Jason ran in I grabbed Mhari he slung her over his shoulder
"GO" I screamed and he ran for the front door I could see Mhari looking at me in horror as that wolf slammed through the glass it shattered everywhere before it got its bearings I leapt at it shifting into my white wolf I went for its throat .. it was not getting my daughter I knew I was only distracting it, I let all the hate flow through me giving me the power I need to rip into it, but it was only a matter of time before it had me pinned to the ground my babies were getting away that's all I cared about. Her eyes wide in horror as the brown wolf ripped out my throat
"I love you my baby's"
I linked her my last thought as I went to join my mate.........
Anyone reading this I would love some feedback please......x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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