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Chapter 1

Claire's POV:

Have you ever felt lost and numb?

Well I feel this way all the time. I'm different from others for one single word that changes everything.


This is what I am. A immortal faerie of karma and destruction. Nobody comes near me in the supernatural world and human world.My dad didn't even want me.I remember my siblings and parent look happy when I was taken away for my existence. I don't talk or show my face around anybody. I prefer to be along since I cause so much pain to people around me.

So here I am now in a town called Meadowbrook.I attend school and live by myself. I don't have any friends. And here I am now, looking at myself in the mirror at my appearance. Pale white skin and long black hair that stops mid thigh. My eyes are purple, and in them I can see myself ,lost of life and courage.I have a okay body. Curves in the right places and a 5'6 frame. I shake my head and leave my bathroom. I enter my room which is okay in my opinion. A color scheme of black and white with red roses, but I have a creative side. Everything in my room looks normal in the day but I also added glow in the dark neon paint to scheme which makes me happy about my creativity.

I go to my dresser and choose my outfit for the day. I decided black skinny jeans with a hoodie that's decorated with white roses and black converse. I put my hair in a ponytail and pull my hood over my head. I grab my mask and put it on. I forgot to mention, I used that glow paint on everything including my clothes and my mask.When it gets dark I love my room and clothes and it makes me feel good. Let's just say I love graffiti.

I leave my small cottage in the woods and put my earphones on. As I get on rhythm with the song I began to shift forms, turning into a shadow with purple eyes and traveling to school at the speed of light. Since no one came near me I had to teach myself control and to shift forms. I have a beast in me, which is my anger. When I get mad my true beast comes out and it's not pretty.

In about 1 minute I make it to the school entrance. I walk in through the doors and blend in with the shadows as the students pass by.Once I make it to first block I shift back and go straight to the back of the class. In this school the classes all have bleachers type of desk. As I head toward my seat I heard a group of girls talking.

"You know, it seems like there are more people in town lately."girl 2 said.

"I know, I heard a few kids and the principal of some prep school coming today to interview us." girl 1 replied.

"I hope they're cute."girl 3 said, and they start talking about how cute the students would look like.I take my seat and think about what they said. They're right. More people have been here and what's this prep school?

I zone out as class begin because I already read Shakespeare.


It's the end of the day and while everybody was packing up a girl came running down the hall yelling.

"They're Here! Assembly in the gym!" She screamed running around. Everybody began heading towards the gym and went to the bleachers. I kept my distance and took my seat close to the gymnasium doors. In the center of the gym our principal stood high with her brown hair in a bun and her gaze strict. Next to her stood a man and 3 teenagers. The man had glasses and high cheekbones. He had grey eyes and black short hair. A boy next to him had the same features but look younger. Next is a girl with blonde straight hair and blue ocean eyes. She was wearing a uniform like the boy but was wearing a skirt instead. There uniforms consists of a white button down shirt  with a gray tie and a jacket that haves a symbol on it. The girl was wearing a skirt with flats while the boys were wearing pants. I began to take in the features of the other boy. Hey had brown hair and light hazel eyes that seem to twinkle in the light. Not human

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