Challenge Accepted!

102 12 37

Thanks for nominating me! My challenge, as I choose to accept it, is to tell you 20 odd tid-bits of info to confirm just how much of a wacko I am.  Here goes...

1) Name? 

Lauren. And the rest you wil not know at this moment in time. But I will go by any name, Sidhewriter, Sidhe, Miss Trilby, Trilby, weirdo- all acceptable options.

2) Age?

A lady should never reveal her age! Well, that's OK, I may be female but I'm no lady, anyone who knows me knows that eloquence does not come to me naturally. So, I'm sixteen.

3) Interests and abilities? 

 *twiddles thumbs* Oof, I don't know. My CV is testament to this, it's an empty black void of nothingness. With my name on the top. Well, I love singing and I play percussion, I love playing in an orchestra (mainly because I can hide at the back) and obviously, procrastinating on Wattpad, reading and writing. 

4) Personality traits?

I have no personality.

Just kidding, I have the small, shrivelled remains of what might be a personality. I like messing around and I am willing to offer help at any time...however unhelpful it may be. I'm annoying but only slightly aggravating. Which is a plus, right?

5) Favourite TV shows?

I love so many, but I forget loads.


Doctor Who

Big Bang Theory

I like a bit of True Dectective and sometimes Arrow. : )

Um...won't come to mind...

The Nowhere Boys is pretty good...

The Peaky Blinders

Uh...*hides in awkwardness*

6) Favourite authors?

 Wow, so many! Sophie McKenzie, Val McDermid, J.K Rowling (duh), J. R.R. Tolkien, Micheal Grant, Rick Riordan, George Orwell, Suzanne Collins, Neil Gailman,  Douglas Adams, John Steinbeck and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  There's probably many more I can't think of right now, but there you go. 

As for Wattpad authors, check out the brilliant TeamEnigma and the people listed on my profile for some brilliant reads, trust me, you won't be disappointed. 

7) Writing routine?

That one is too easy. Curled up in bed, writing at ridiculous times of the night (or morning in many cases) with a rampant imagination and a huge supply of Skittles nearby. Needless to say, by the end of it all, I'm exhausted, happy and extremely hyper.

8) Tastes in music?

I'm not too fussy. I'm not into the big boybands but I can tolerate them. Just. I love Imagine Dragons, Adele, Meghan Trainor and many other artists who can actually sing. I like classical music in most cases, usually huge orchestral pieces that make you sit up and listen. I love, love, LOVE listening to the Doctor Who soundtracks, and they're my favourite pieces to write to. I'm a Wholockian through and through!

9) Fictional equivalent?

Leo Valdez. Honestly, this little dude is the male version of me, except just a tad more awesome. Telling bad jokes and embarrassing himself daily- I've met my fictional match!

10) Love life?

Heh. Heh. Heh. Non-existent. I'm still crushing after fictional guys, I swear they've ruined romance for me.

11) Weirdest habit?

Yeesh, I don't really have one. I'm so crazy, I'm looking at weird in the back mirror. But if I have to give one, then it's probably talking to myself. I do this CONSTANTLY. I think I might spend more time in conversation with myself than any other person...talking to myself, you realize how annoying you are. But talking to myself is one of the only ways I can get a word in edgeways, as I tell the haters.

12) Favourite colour?

No question- orange.

Another little fact- Wattpad's logo is orange.

...See the connection?

13) Favourite character from a TV show?

Bernadette from Big Bang Theory. She's sassy, sarcastic and vertically challenged like moi!

14) If your house was burning down and you only had time to save one possession, which would it be?

Just the one? Not fair! I guess it would HAVE to be my laptop, I can't survive without Wattpad, But whoever made my trilby burn would pay dearly. *punches hand threateningly*

15) Most used quote from a book in real life?

"I try very hard to be annoying. Don't insult my ability to annoy."

16) If you could destroy one thing completely, with no consequences, what would it be?

Homework. I don't mind school (apart from the fact the system sucks, I fail everything, my classmates are awful and exams stress the living hell out of me) but homework? That's my free time, jerk. I think when you are still up at two and have to get up again at six, you have the right to complain. It's destroying my writing time and my remaining sanity. Down with the homework!

17) Ambitions?

OK, this might sound pretty stupid, but I'm pretty stupid, so that's all right, I suppose. I want to make people smile. That's it. No big car or fancy travel plans. I want to make people happy even when they're down. Because smiling is healthy, smiling can turn a person's day around and the best part? Smiling is infectious. The more people I can make smile, the more see them and smile too. Life is too short to spend unhappy.

18) Biggest hate?

It might surprise you to hear this, but it's not homework that I hate the most (but don't get me wrong, I resent it deeply). It's those stupid women's articles and pro-eating disorder websites. A few pictures and carefully crafted words can ruin millions of teen's lives. Both boys and girls. Why, why, why would anyone think it was a good idea to make bright, happy, friendly people feel inadequete, when they really have everything going for them? All for a stupid profit. It's an issue I'm quite strong about so I won't apologize for ranting. Because if even one person sees this and thinks differently, I've done my job. You are all beautiful. Anyone who says otherwise can have all the implants, hair extensions and make up they like, but if they put you down, they're ugly.

19) Favourite school subjects?

English (obviously), but I also enjoy Music, French and Spanish. 

20) Motto in life?

It's all very well telling people to be themselves. But my view is, be yourself and enjoy it. If there's one person in life you should like, it's yourself. I'm not asking you to have an ego the size of the Dublin Spike, just acknowledge your good points as well as your weaknesses and if I tell you you're amazing? Don't argue back. I tell only the truth and I'm right about these things. So if I tell you you're amazing, you are. Enough said.

Phew! That's me done! I now nominate @I_Do_Drama, @thechanginggirl and @izabela_whovian7! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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