The Girl in the Woods

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The next day I awoke early with a headache from drinking so much with Father and Robb. I chucked my clothes on and went to the godswoods.

I slowly walked through the godswoods and listened to the birds. I sat myself up against a tree and ate an apple. As I closed my eyes to take in the peacefulness I heard the twigs snap from behind me, I pulled out my dagger and stood up. "Who goes there" I shouted. A dark figure loomed behind the bushes, then suddenly ran. "Stop!" I shouted. I followed the person in the dark cloak, they were getting tired and then I realised they had a dagger on their hand. I leaped onto them and they fell to the floor. I pulled the hood down and bright green eyes looked back at me. It was a girl with long blonde hair, pale skin and beautiful red lips.

"Are you going to kill me" The girl said as I stared at her. I never realised I had a dagger to her neck.

"I'm sorry my lady" I pulled the dagger away and got off the girl. "Don't run off" I grabbed her arm so she couldn't run and that's when I was attacked.

A big furry animal pounced on me, pushing me quickly to the ground. It bit down on my right arm and I cried out in pain. I tried my hardest to push it off but it wouldn't move. It's grip on my arm got tighter with every move I made, causing me to let out a little cry of pain.

"Shadow! Stop!" the girl shouted. The animal finally let go of me slowly walked away and went behind the girl.

I stood to my feet quickly and looked at the bite mark on my arm. I put pressure on the wound and looked to the girl. "What in the seven hells is that?" I asked as I went for the dagger in my pocket.

"She is a Shadow cat, and if I were you I would keep that dagger inside your pocket." The girl said and narrowed her eyes at me. I did what she said and looked at the animal.

"I've never seen one if them before" The shadow cat was the size of a lion and was jet black. Nothing like I'd ever imagine. The girl walked towards me and I backed away.

"I won't hurt you, let me see your arm"

I let her walk towards me and she gripped my arm. The blood trickled on too her finger tips but she didn't bat an eyelid at it. She ripped a piece of her dress off and wrapped it round my arm. "I'm sorry she attacked you, I was trying to act brave, but I'm not at all"

"What's your name" She looked up at me as she dressed my wound.

"Evelyn" She said.

"Where are you from Evelyn"


"Your don't look like it" She had long blonde hair and piercing green eyes.

"My mother and Father were from the North but they left when it was the War. I have never been back since, except for now, and I've already done something wrong"

"It's fine, it's only a scrape" I laughed and finally pulled my arm away. It's true, I've had worse cuts than this.

"Shadow has a tendency to attack people that threaten me" The shadow cat beside her kept its yellow eyes on me, it's body was tensed up and looked like it was ready to pounce.

"Where did you find her"

"I saved her from drowning when I was little and now she never leaves my side. What's your name anyway"

"Jon Snow, Ned Starks bastard"

"Oh my" Evelyn shot up "Where are my manners" she curtsied.

"You don't have to bow to me, I'm only a bastard" She looked at me and smiled.

"I better be going Jon"

"Don't go"

"I have to, I will see you soon" she smiled and walked away.

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