The Long and Weird Story of my Life.

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Hi there! I thought that I might share my life story with you all today if that's ok? Yeah, of course it's ok, who doesn't want to hear my life story? Anyway... Best get on with it before my ego explodes...

I had a pretty normal life as a lowly servant in the beautiful city of Camelot, which was ruled justly and fairly by King Arthur.

But then, it all changed.

One day I was just sitting, chilling in my house, when all of a sudden, a flying blue box which I later learned to be called a TARDIS, crashed through the roof of my house. After a few moments, the doors opened, an a man who was known simply as the Doctor, emerged from his box.

He was a very nice person, with a cool bow tie, and he asked me if I'd like to go travelling with him. When I asked him where, he just replied with a wink and the words,

"It's a surprise," intrigued, I decided that it couldn't hurt to go with him for a little trip away. I followed him into the blue box and found out that it was bigger on the inside.

After many adventures through space and time, the Doctor and I where suddenly faced with a seemingly unbeatable enemy. We where about to be trapped in different times, with an enemy that could easily kill us both. Instead of being forced to watch my friend die, I decided that I had to save him. I distracted the monster for just long enough for the Doctor to get into the safety of the TARDIS.

I continued to avoid the monster as the Doctor started the TARDIS's engines. He called to me to hurry, but I had already decided that there was no room in that getaway for me. Eventually the Doctor was forced to leave without me, unable to return without risking the wrath of the creature he had just managed to escape.

So there I was, trapped a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. I was alone for a long while, wandering about a planet which was nothing more than a gigantic city called Coruscant. Then, I was discovered on the streets by a kindly man who took me to a huge, five spired temple like structure.

He explained that it was a place where an ancient order of intergalactic peacekeepers, called the Jedi Order lived. As we walked up the steps towards the temple, I saw an elderly man, who was already struggling up the stairs, stumble and start to fall. I was too far away from him to reach forwards to help, but I knew that if he hit his head, he would without a doubt die. I leapt forwards, with reflexes I didn't even know I had, and even though I didn't reach him, the man stopped falling, and was lying in mid tumble, suspended by some kind of invisible force.

The man I was traveling with was stunned, and he asked me how I had done it. I didn't know, so I was taken inside the Temple, where I met a small green creature with huge ears and a funny way of speaking. He said his name was Yoda, and that I had demonstrated a lot of raw ability, and I could be a very strong member of the Jedi Order if I so wished it.

So I trained to become a Jedi. People said I was the strongest trainee that they had ever seen, and I suppose I was. The Force, as the Jedi called it came naturally to me, and I could wield one of their light swords, or lightsabers, as they called them without a sweat.

However, I soon became ambitious and hungry for more power. In my blind desperation, I turned to a man who I thought I could trust... But this shrivelled up, old prune of a man only turned me away from the path of the Jedi, he told me that to achieve the power that I so craved, I needed to give in to my anger and hate...

So I did.

I didn't know it, but it wasn't long until the man named Palpatine had fully transformed me into what the Jedi called a Sith. However, I soon saw through Palpatine's evil plot, and I was so full of rage, I decided to fight him, eager to get even with him. Our battle lasted 100 days and 100 nights, and believe me, it was pure epic. Whole districts of Coruscant where flattened in our furious combat.

However, it all ended when I decided to muster all my extensive powers, to get rid of my enemy once and for all. But in doing so, I accidentally punched a hole through the very fabric of reality it's self.

I was sucked through the wormhole, and I suddenly came face to face with nine hooded figures in black, riding magnificent black horses. They all asked me if I had seen a golden Ring of Power lying around. When I said that I hadn't the slightest idea what they where talking about, they became very mad indeed. So they decided amongst themselves to take me deep into a forest called Fangorn and dump me, rather unceremoniously into a pond, before all giggling at me and riding off.

After I had climbed out of the pond, I wandered through the forest for who knows how long, before I was discovered by a palamino centaur, named Firenze. Firenze took me out of the forest and up to a totally ginormous castle, he said that I would be safe there.

With some help from the Force, I opened the door of the castle and met a boy with black hair, green eyes, round glasses and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. He told me his name was Harry, but before I could introduce myself, I was rudely interrupted by a stream of black smoke which flew through the window, and materialised into a pale looking man with no nose to speak of.

He seemed to sense the Sith energy in me, and without warning, he transfigured me into a weird human/dragon thing. Quite surprised by my sudden transformation, I used my new wings to fly away.

But... Lucky old me got caught in a storm. I was buffeted this way ant that, before finally crash landing into the sea. Once I had climbed out of the sea and onto a nearby pier, I met a girl called Valkyrie Cain, who decided to teach me the art of sarcasm. When she had finished, I was a master like her, and that's when her partner, Skulduggery turned up in a bright yellow car to surprise me with some clothes.

However, before he could finish surprising me with said clothes, a US Marines team swooped in on me with a helicopter. A nasty man called Stryker told me that because I was a mutant of some kind, I had to go with him, even though I didn't want to. Then, before the men had even had a chance to threaten me, a tall man with impressive hair and metal claws growing out of his knuckles, flew out of nowhere and skewered all the nasty men like kebabs. Not Stryker though... No he was swallowed up by a random miniature tsunami. The man with the claws told me that his name was Logan, but most people called him Wolverine. He also said he was a mutant too, and that it wasn't safe for our kind to be alone in the human world. I asked him if he knew anywhere to hide, and he answered that he did. He said that I had been invited to attend a school run by a certain Charles Xavier, which was a place that mutants like me could be safe.

I decided to accept the offer, because, Skulduggery and Valkyrie had told me that they had to go and help a friend of their's bypass a nonexistent invisible doors.

So I went to the school with Logan, and y'know... I leant some stuff... But it wasn't long until people began to get wind of my powers. Very bad people. I decided that I had to leave the school, for that sake of all those who lived there.

I sneaked out during the night and somehow wound up in little old Scotland, living peacefully and happily... Until those pesky ninjas began attacking me... But I dealt with them very quickly, being as skilled as I am. As you can see, the serving girl from Camelot came a long way, now among my enemies and the public, I am known as The Sith Dragon, a name which strikes fear into the hearts of all wrong doers.

And I have been happy ever since.

Then I joined the Avengers.

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