Epithet Poem

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I am the wanter. I wish to live, so I devour the life-giving air. Time is precious. I wish to be free, so I tear at the chains. I need to wander. I wish to fly, so I climb higher. I miss the sky. I wish to remember, so I keep on asking. Memory, come back to me. Why can't I remember?

I am high flyer. My hopes soar, no wings needed. Yet, I hope for more. Flight. Not of my dreams, of something more. Wings? Have you left us? Why must we endure the desire?

I am life liver. Life is short, I must live it. Time is wasted! No longer! Why is there no time? Live it! Love it! Hate it?

I am light in between the stars. Starless night, you still give off light. Shapes and wonders, stars not connected, darkness light within. Speak no longer. Tell me your stories once more?

I am hater of forced stay. I must move. I can't stay any longer! Break the bonds, keep on moving. Never stop, or you'll have to think. Think no longer, move forever. Keep moving, or else I'll stop. Why do I keep on running?

I am tempest within. My eyes alight, yet hidden forever. Stone cold, impervious to all. Show none of your secrets inside. Why must I make myself stone?

I am tree climber. Higher and higher, needing more air, needing the sky, wanting to live, I climb. My hopes grow stronger, my will unbreakable, climb higher to what I need. Sky, I need you, so I climb. Trees tell your wisdom, why can't I stay? I must come back, though I want to stay. Why can't you embrace my soul once more?

I am the lost. What can't I remember? I know it's there, but no longer. Once here to stay, just hidden away. I plead you, come back to me. Why can't I remember?

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