"sa...sanky..." she says lightly.

"I am telling naa...I want raghu to tie first... "

Ria will be angry on ragini..

Raghu comes there running...

"sorry sanky! I got late... "
She ties her hand made rakhi to him...

"I pray god to give u all the love and happiness... "

Sanky smiles and kisses her hands... "thank u... And I wish the same for u... "

Ria Will be showing her anger on the rakhi and it gets torn...

Arjun and swara :we are eager to see her gift...
Everytime, u gift her special...

Ragini holds her hand in front of him... "I am waiting Mr. Gadodia... "

He smiles and keeps a box...

She opens to find a beautiful pair of princess shoes...

Everyone including ria admires that...

Swara "Wow... "

Sanky "these are Cindrella shows...raghu is my cindrella...

Hope her prince find her by these shoes and takes away her pain... "

Everyone says "aww... "

While ragini hugs him...

"thank u..."


Days roll over...

Scene opens with everyone sitting on the dining table...

Kaveri signals something to ria... While ria nods in yes...

"dadu! I have something to tell u... Actually ask u... "

"haan ria beta... "

"I have some guy for swara in my mind..."

Everyone looks at that surprised while swaragini in shock...

"really! Who is that? "

"nikil... My brother. He likes swara... It will be..."

Swara interrupts her...

"ria! I don't like him...how can u take decision of my life"

Suji hits swara head...

"is this the way u talk to elders...?"

Swara eyes brims... Sanky had left early morning to the meeting...

Laksh and arjun had gone to hospital construction work...

Dadu will be thinking while ria keeps hand on his...

"u all have seen him already... How good he is...
And is a graduate too... "

Dadu looks at swara "swara, nothing will go against ur wish... "

Swara "dadu! I want to study... I am just 21..."

Kaveri "beta, u can study after marriage also... He is leaving to Australia next month...

That's why we r in a hurry"

She says sugar coated venom words...

Suji "really! I am very happy with this relation... "

Kaveri smirks... While ria smiles widely.

Swara looks at ragini for help...

Ragini nods... "wo dadu...

"haan gudiya... "

"actually, I agree with swara... She is young to get married... Let her complete her studies...

And moreover, I don't feel nikil is that good choice for her... "

Kaveri gets up... "how dare u...U cheap girl. "

Dadu too gets up... "shut ur mouth kaveri ji... I don't like to hear a word against my gudiya...

And it applies to everyone."

"wo ji... I mean...

"it's been so many days u stayed here... I think everyone must be missing u in ur home...

U better pack ur bags... "

It was a tight slap indirectly on her face...

She feels ashamed and leaves... While ria too follows her not before glaring ragini...

Sujatha will be upset that it was a good relation for swara...

Ragini notices that and sits next to her...

"suji dear! This face won't suits u ..."

"par raghu... "

"don't u believe me...? "

Suji presses her hand...

"let her do her studies...then I ll only get her married to a handsome, innocent, well educated boy who can tolerate her...

What say! "

Suji smiles finally... "what ever u say! "

Ragini kisses her cheek and everyone continues eating...

While swara thanks ragini...


So how was the update??

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As I gave u all emotional parts these days so only I have updated Naughty Lakshya Beauty Ragini ff 😂😂😂so read that and enjoy......

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DARLING...( Completed√)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz