"A little over four hours," Maggie hums, propping up Becca's pillows for her, "I think Baby Taylor can stay in here tonight, yeah? I'll leave this little crib here for her." 

"Thank you," they say simultaneously and Roger looks down at the book once more as she leaves and immediately, his eyes are drawn to one in the middle of the page. 

Ellie. Ellie Taylor, he thinks to himself, a smile appearing as he repeats it a couple of times over in his head. 

"May-" Rebecca's cut off by a loud yawn and Roger's eyes light up. 

Ellie May Taylor. Now that's a name.

"Ellie May," he finally whispers and Becca barely catches what he says, "Let's name her Ellie May." 

A small gasp leaves her mouth as she looks down at the still feeding baby.

"Ellie May," she repeats, trying it out for herself, grinning at Roger as she nods, "Yeah, that's her name. I love it." 

He moves to sit down on the bed beside her. 

"You think Brian will cry?" 

He kisses her forehead, "Probably." 


It's not until the following day that anyone comes to visit and the first to arrive are their parents, who gush, cuddle and take a lot of photographs. 

It was official - Ellie May Taylor was her name and according to the birth certificate, she was born at 5:15 am on the 18th of January 1980. 

She was a day old already. 

The boys and their partners didn't arrive until the afternoon visits when their parents were gone and of course, Freddie was the first to arrive with Mary and David, followed closely by John and Hannah. 

"Where's Charlotte?" Roger asks.

"She has a little bit of a cold," Hannah frowns, "We didn't want to risk the little one getting sick." 

"You're not sick, are you?" Roger narrows his eyes. 

"Jesus, Roger if we were sick," John mutters, "We wouldn't have come in." 

"Alright," he holds his hands up, "Just checking." 

"Another princess to our royal family," Freddie hummed, watching Mary cradle Ellie with a smile on his face, "Let's hope we get a prince soon, yes?" 

Hannah looks up from where she's sat on the couch against the wall, "I don't have any control in that matter, Fred. I told you." 

The door to the hospital room opens once more, signalling the arrival of Brian and Alice, who goes straight to Mary and starts cooing over the baby while Brian speaks to Roger and Rebecca.

"Congratulations," he says quietly, handing Roger a small bag, "It's not the bear we got Charlotte but I thought Roger would kill me if I did get that." 

"That's alright," Roger hugs him, "We've got a giant cat on the way thanks to Freddie." 

Rebecca, who's feeling a tiny bit more human today, watches as Roger goes to stand by Mary and Alice, thanking her quietly when she places Ellie back into her father's arms and Brian takes a seat on the bed beside her. 

"I haven't had a good look at her yet but I'm sure she's beautiful," he says as she rests her head on his shoulder, "Rog told me on the phone that she's got your eyes." 

"It certainly seems that way," Becca yawns as Roger brings Ellie over for him to hold. 

"Now that Bri and Alice are here," John speaks, "Can we know her name?" 

"You didn't have to wait for us," Alice shakes her head.

"But we did," Roger shrugged.

"Well don't keep us waiting!" Hannah calls from where she's still sat on the little couch, "I have to pee. And can you speak up, I can't hear you." 

"My wife," John laughs, "Ever the charmer." 

Roger looks at Rebecca, who nods, keeping an eye on Brian, who's looking down at Ellie with a soft smile on his face. 

"Her name," Roger begins, "Is Ellie May."

Brian looks between the two of them, "May?" 

"Yeah," Roger nods, toying with the blankets that are on the bed, "I mean you might annoy the hell out of me but y'know, you're my best mate, aren't you?"

Brian clears his throat and Rebecca wraps her arm around his and she swears that he's going to cry, "Guys-I don't know what to say." 

Roger and Rebecca share a glance while Brian keeps his eyes on the child. Yeah, he was happy. 


this isn't as cute as i wanted it to be but guys, do you know how hard it is to choose names for babies. holy crap. it was so hard and i hope you like it! 

some of you want to know about the hedgehog, well, leroy as i have named it -not knowing if it's a girl or a boy- its come back a couple of nights in a row. i am in the process of trying to get my hands on a nesting box and some food but there is a lot to chose from and i really don't know where to start

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