tony smiles softly, and opens the door to get steve's attention. he places his hand on the small of her back and softy ushers her inside with him. when steve hears the door click open he turns his head, bored out of his mind and a little angry with how the meeting was going, his whole expression drops at the sight of marleigh. he blinks a couple times, as if he's questioning if he's hallucinating. when tony nods to him (silently telling him that she's real, she's really there) steve shoots up and grabs marleigh, pulling her into his chest.

the girl digs her face into his chest, arms wrapping tight around his waist. she breathes in a shaky breath, trying to stop herself from crying, but when she inhales steve's familiar scent, she can't help it. she feels his arms around her shoulders tighten when he realizes she's crying into his shirt, he blinks his own tears away and holds his younger sister tighter than ever.

"mar? i-i don't get it, how are you here? how are you alive?" questions start to flood out of steve's mouth before he even realizes he's talking. marleigh sniffles, pulling back from her brother. steve smiles when she meets his eyes, wiping her tears away, marleigh huffs out a quiet laugh. the two siblings are so busy reuniting they don't notice tony telling the other three shield agents to leave the room, nor do they see them share an odd look with one another, and tony gestures to the door and makes a get going expression, to which they comply to.

"i don't know all the details yet, but after you did.. you know what back in 1945. after i lost you, i lost bucky, i kinda lost myself too. i don't remember exactly what happened, but i know it was still 1945.. apparently they froze my body like they did yours, so, here we are.." marleigh's voice trailed off, meeting her brother's gaze. he smiled, ruffling her hair.

"well, i'm glad they did. i'm assuming you already met tony?" he gestured to the billionaire standing behind them, leaning against one of the glass walls with his arms crossed over his chest. marleigh glances over her shoulder at him, smiling softly when he met her eyes and grinned. "yeah, i did," marleigh responds, turning her attention back onto her brother.

"sorry to interrupt but - who is this?" a man entered the room, a beige folder in his hands. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his eyes landed on marleigh, before looking to tony, then to steve. the blonde girl smiled, extending her arm out to offer him her hand.

"i'm marleigh, steve's younger sister," she speaks first, introducing herself. the man takes her hand and shakes it. "i'm rhodey.. um, how on earth are you steve's sister? i mean, what are the odds both of you were frozen for almost seventy years," rhodey laughs, shaking his head as his attention flickered over to tony, then to steve, and back onto marleigh, reading their facial expressions, and none of them read amusement.

"what the hell? how?" rhodey says, a little bit too aggressive for tony's liking. "hey, play nice," tony warns his friend, but doesn't step in to explain, he figures he should let marleigh tell her own story. and so she does, repeating everything she just told steve moments prior to rhodey. tony watched from his position a few feet away from the three, marleigh's back was facing him, so she didn't notice how often tony looked at her.

glancing at his watch, tony saw it was nearing six o'clock, and decided they've been standing there long enough. tony clapped his hands together before rubbing them, getting the three's attention.

"alright, story time over. who's ready for dinner?"


at dinner, marleigh had met many people, and learned a lot of new things. that her brother was apart of the avengers who helped save people and stop bad people from doing bad things. she met natasha who was a nice, pretty woman that marleigh had bounded with over their shared interest in dogs. bruce, who didn't talk that much but she found was sweet anyways. thor who was very loud but also funny so that made up for it. then rhodey who she already met, vision, wanda, clint, who were all very nice.

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