The strength of his hand was enough to make Declan's face turn, it was a statement of how their relationship was that being hit did not surprise him.

"Watch that tongue, boy. I'm still your father and you owe me respect"

"You should act like one then"

Declan had to take a deep breath as he watched his father going away, muttering under his breath damn lannisters, not bothering to give Declan an answer. The pain on his cheek was nothing compared to the shame he was feeling right now, his father had not just hit him, he had treated him like a child in front of the Lannister and Stark soldiers.

Declan stormed out of the yard hitting Joffrey on the shoulder with his on as he passed, taking away the little smirked he had on his face. He needed some time alone otherwise he would end up snapping on someone.

It wasn't until he was in his room that he realized that his father had called him a Lannister, it seemed he was one of the Lannister that were always around that Robert hated so much.

                  ✧ ————— ✧ ————— ✧

He already could see his family having breakfast when he entered the dining room and immediately all eyes lend on him, it was understandable, Declan had retreated to his room not answering anyone's when they tried to reach him.

He took a set beside his uncle Tyrion, not looking anyone in the eye as he greeted them "Good morning" He then dared to look at his mother, he saw her lips pursed looking sharply at his now purple cheek, no doubt everyone knew of his father's little outburst in the yard yesterday by now.

"Is Bran going to die?" Myrcella's words made Declan's words die in his tongue and he turned to his uncle, who the question was directed to.

"Apparently not" Tyrion said with a piece of bread in his mouth making Myrcella break into a smile and Declan to leave a relieved sigh, he had been so angry at his father that he had forgotten Bran had fallen.

"What do you mean?" His mother inquired in a tone that made Declan frown.

"Maister says the boy may live" The silence that followed that was awkward and Declan could not understand why his mother was looking so tense.

"Is no mercy letting a child linger in such pain" His mother said looking directly at Tyrion.

Declan slammed his cup on the table with force making everyone stop to look at him "I was a sick child, would you be happier if the gods had relieved my pain by giving me a quick death?"

His mother's eyes widened as she looked at him "Of course not, the situation is entirely different"

"Only the Gods know for certain, all the rest of us can do is pray" He said quietly, interrupting their little argument. He then reached for a sausage in the table "Charms of the north seem entirely lost on you"

"I can't still believe you're going, it's ridiculous even for you" She said referring to his uncle's trip to the wall and trying to change the subject. Declan didn't have any interest in visiting somewhere colder than Winterfell but could not fault his uncle's desire to get away from them all.

"Where's your sense of wonder? the greatest structure ever built, the men of the Night's Watch, the wintry abode of the White Walkers" Declan smiled seeing his uncle tickling Tommen and making the boy laugh.

"Tell me you're not thinking of taking the black" Jamie said mocking.

"And go celibate? The whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock"

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