4. The Other Side

Start from the beginning

Felicia froze at the name Mr. Stark. She hated the part of her that now saw Peter as another useful asset, but she needed to get into the compound. So, pushing away all of the self-hate that was forming, Felicia said, "Alright I'll stop making puns, but you have to tell me more about this internship."

Peter narrowed his eyes at Felicia and for a moment she thought she had been a little too eager to learn about the internship, but Peter's expression softened. "You drive a hard bargain Hardy, but it's a deal. Study hall is almost over, but I can tell you all about it after school if you want to come with Ned and me to my house."

"My mom has to work overtime today so she won't be home until super late so count me in," Felicia responded.

Peter and Ned stood up from their chairs. Peter looked at Felicia, "I have to go with Ned for decathlon practice today so I won't be in Calculus with you, but I'll cashew later."

All Felicia could do was look shocked as Peter and Ned hurried off to practice.


Felicia was just getting out of class when her phone rang. One look at the number had Felicia hurrying into the nearest bathroom. Locking herself into a stall Felicia answered the phone.

"I thought I told you not to call this number," she hissed.

A cruel laughed echoed in Felicia's ears, "I'm sorry Miss Hardy but were you under the impression that you could order me around?"

Felicia clenched her jaw, "No, of course not Mr. Fisk. My mistake." She hated him. Felicia only wanted two people in this world dead and the man known as Kingpin was one of them.

"How has the plan to infiltrate the Avengers Compound been coming along?" The way he asked, it was almost like it was a regular conversation that you would expect between two family members or even friends.

"I've managed to locate two people that are associated with Tony Stark. If I can get one of them to let me in-"

"You're taking too long," Mr. Fisk's voice cut her off. "One of my guys has managed to get you an interview as an intern with one of the scientists in the compound. I'll have one of my guys take you out of school tomorrow. Don't screw it up." With that, he hung up the phone.

He didn't need to send a guy to her school. Fisk was just doing it to show Felicia that she can't run away because they know where she is. Where her mother is. Once all this was sorted Felicia was going to get her family as far from Fisk and everything he touches as she can.

Breathing deeply, Felicia made her way outside of the bathroom. Once she was out she looked around for Peter or Ned. When she laid eyes on the former Felicia marched over.

He hadn't noticed her presence so Felicia took the time to watch him. Felicia's eyes caught a glimpse of his phone and saw the headlines Black Cat Strikes Again. She felt the blood leave her face, she hadn't made headlines already had she? Then she looked closer and recognized the logo on the article. It belonged to a newspaper in LA. Why was Peter looking into Black Cat?

Clearing her throat, Felicia opened her mouth, "What are you looking at?"

Peter jumped, "Jesus Felicia, you scared me. How long have you been standing there?"

Raising a brow, Felicia said, "Not long, you were pretty engrossed in whatever you were reading."

Peter shoved his phone into his back pocket before shutting his locker. "I was just doing some research for a project on burglars."

Felicia frowned, "Peter we have the same classes, none of them have projects like that."

Peter blinked, "It's for the Stark internship."

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