1. Cf

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"Hi I'm Stella. And I have a disease known as Cystic fibrosis. It is known as CF. This basically means my body produces a shit ton of mucus. However people with CF have to stay 6 feet apart so that we don't get each others bacteria. We can't even hold hands without protection e.g a glove. I have treatment I have to take everyday. I take 3 pills and I have an Astro-Vest. "
"Oh guys here's barb"
"Stella get that thing out of my face"
"Barb you look stunning"
"Ok Stella quit it. Guys Stella will be back after her treatment"

I love how barb helps me with my treatment. She is so supportive of everything.

"So Stella, Hows everything going?"

"You know barb, I'm actually doing better than how I've done for a while. But I just wish I was normal."

"Stella, You are still a normal teenager. Your body just doesn't function well that's all"

"Well thanks for putting it in a less hurtful way Barb, this really made me feel better ."
(I was being sarcastic at that time)

"You know Stella, Your treatment is going really well. You have shown Significant improvements over the past couple of weeks."

"Well thanks for everything barb."
"Happy to help Stella."

As barb walked out I carried on with my live video explaining about CF.

"Okay guys I've just finished my treatment. But having CF means you can't do things other normal teenagers can do. You lose contact with the outside world. You miss the opportunity to live the life you always wanted. All CF gives you is a shit load of mucus as I've said. But the human touch, it's a powerful thing. Without it, people would be alone. But for people with CF, we can't have that. We can't touch people because we will just die. We will never have it

Well guys that's all I can really say. I'll be back soon. Love you all and peace."

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