Was Not Prepared For This

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     This is C H A O S.

     This is absolute M A D N E S S.

     Like, I've been tagged??? You guys want to know more about me???


     That's a mistake that everyone will end up regretting.

     BUT WHO AM I TO DENY THE PEOPLE? (And by 'people,' I mean one person lol).

     EITHER WAY!!! I am here to deliver.

     So welcome to the start of my insanity!


Tagged by: @-Dragon-Child-

Tagged by: @-Dragon-Child-

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1.) Nope! ...Kind of...? I'M CONFUSED ABOUT MY OWN FEELINGS TBH! Final answer: tbd.

2.) Can't like me back if I don't like them lolol (laughs to hide the pain).

3.) Dawn.

4.) A Single Pringle unwilling to mingle.

5.) Literal model, I swear. Yin to my yang.

6.) Hulk on crack.

7.) Oof, I don't even know. I don't really have any??

8.) Group chat called "Sushi Hoes."

9.) Bass Slut by: S3RL.

10.) 96%, bitchachos.



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12.) Honestly, I made this account on a whim. I didn't expect to gain any followers or for anyone to read my stories—I simply had an idea. The plot in my mind was something that I just couldn't shake, so I decided to make it a reality through this account! It was mostly for my own entertainment, but then all of you guys started reading and I was really surprised. Making so many people happy just because of something that my imagination conjured up is astonishing to me! I also just really enjoy writing and I think this is good practice for stories that I want to publish in the future (being a novelist is a dream of mine).



13.) May 23. (Thought you were gonna get my age? THINK AGAIN)!


That's all there is to it, kids!

Hope you learned a little bit more about me (or not, whatever lol). Found it entertaining, at least??

Who knows (・・?)

All future tags (if there are any) will end up here! I don't want to interfere with any of my stories, so I decided to make a separate book for tags. This way the people who want to read them can do so and the others that are just here for the damn plot line will only get the damn plot line. Y'know?


But until next time...

                              Stay crazy, Dreamers,
                                           Blushy Author-chan~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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