Chapter 1 (Different spaces 2)

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Space four: Mayu and Morishige.

"I need to find Shige.." Mayu thought, walking down a hallway. When she turned around a corner, she gasped. "Aah.." She saw a corpse, stabbed in the stomach and the eye. "she place a hand over her mouth, not wanting to trow up. She ran through the hallway. accidentally bumping into a other person, causing her to fall backwards. "Ouch!.." I'm so sorry!" the person said. Mayu looked up, seeing a girl stairing at her. "I'm sorry to.. I'm Mayu Suzumoto." Mayu said. "I'm Miku Yusaki (made up character :3) ." Nice to meet you Mi.." Mayu's eye's grew wider when she saw that Miku was all covered in blood. "W..what happend!" Ow..this.. A friend of me went crazy and... well.. He killed my other friend while I was looking.." Miku wispered. "Ow... I'm so sorry Yusaki." Mayu answerd. It's ok , but can I go wash myself. It's raining outside so it wouldn't be a problem." Miku said. "ofcourse.. can I come with you?" Mayu asked. Hoping to get the good anwer. "Sure, Suzumoto!" Miku said with a smile. So they went outside.

"Hmm.. look at the sky." Mayu said.

"Is this your first time outside the school?" Miku asked. Yes, isn't it yours to?" Mayu asked confused. "Ow no, I've been here for hours." She said, while "washing" her hair in the rain.

Then they heard a noise that sounded like a door opening. Mayu turned around, facing a little boy. It had a dark purple glow around his body. "Mayu, don't look into his eye's!" Miku screamed. But Mayu had already looked into his eye. he started to smile. "Who should I kill first, Mayu-Chan or Miku-Chan?" Dont touch her!" Miku screamed, trying to move.

"Oke, Miku-Chan first" He said while smiling.

With incredible speed he went to Miku and stabbed her in her hand. She screamed but it didn't helped. The boy stabbed her multiple times. Miku kept screaming Mayu's name. But Mayu couldn't move. The boy kept stabbing until the life was drained out of Miku's body. After that the boy dissapeared. Mayu ran over to Miku's body. "S..sorry I couldn't help you!" Mayu screamed while crying. She held Miku's "hand". and whiped the rain from her face.

Space two: Ayumi, Yoshiki and Miss Yui.

Ayumi and Yoshiki walked down the hallway untill they heared a scream.

"No, Mayu help! Stop him!" a girl screamed. "Did that girl screamed Suzumoto's name?" Yoshiki asked. "Yes, let's follow it!" Ayumi said, running towards the voice.

When they came outside, they saw Mayu sitting next to a corpse. "Suzumoto, are you oke?" Yoshiki said. "It didn't happened if I moved."

I'm sorry..I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." Mayu kept repeating those words. "Suzume? Are you okey?" "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry" Uhm Suzumoto?" Yoshiki asked, touching her. "Uhm Shinozaki, she's cold. We need her to get inside!" Yoshiki wraped Mayu's arm around his neck, and lifted her. When he did that Ayumi felt, for some reason, jealous. 'Ayumi Shinozaki!' she thought. 'You like Mochida, not that delinquent!' She snaped out of her thoughts when she heard Yoshiki saying somthing to her.

"What did you say?" She said. "Uhm.. nothing." Yoshiki said while blushing. "Come on, tell me!" I'm your Class Rep!" she said while raising a hand to her chest. " it was nothing!" he said. "Ow yes it was, otherwise you shouldn't blush!" She said raising her voice. "I'm not blushing!" he said, turning his face to the other side, hiding his blush.

They reached the infirmery. Yoshiki laid Mayu on the bed, sitting on the other side of the bed. "Kishinuma.." Ayumi started. "can I tell you something?" "Ofcourse, I'm all ear." He said. "Well I-" She stopped when they heared a sound that sounded like Yuka. "Was that Yuka?" Ayumi said. "I think, I'm going to take a look." he said. "And I'm coming to!" she said. "Whatever you want, Miss" he said. Now it was her time to blush.

They went outside the infirmery, but nobody was there so they decided to go back to Mayu. When they entered the infirmery somthing scared waited for them.

A/N Hoped you liked!

I wanted to give Mayu some more attention. but don't worry, Satomi will come to :3

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