DLMA 46: Always and in ALL WAYS

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"Tha-thank you... I need to go..." I said and went out of her office.

The moment I went out of the hospital I already started crying...

Leukemia...? I have leukemia...

How years still I do have? Is it still a years? Or only months? Or maybe days... Or maybe I can even die tomorrow.

Is that why they are too worried for me, is that why they are all look so weird? Is that why they are all look concern?

Your dying Rosé.... Your dying...

I don't get the point and the reason why they all lied to me.

I went to Han River, I seated in the area where less people go.

I cry my heart out.

I feel like... I feel betrayed. I feel left. I feel destroyed.

I didn't get the fact of them lying to me...

What should I do now? Now that I know Im sick. Not just simple sick. Im dying.

I want to understand my friends, I know they have a reason for this... I don't want to doubt them even though I have the reason to doubt them.

I want to listen to them first, before judging them... I want to hear their sides....

I posted in my IG.

A plain white picture with a caption of.

rosesarerosie: I feel betrayed. Thanks for lying. You guys are appreciated. Goodbye for now? Or goodbye for//ever *and then a laughing emoticon*

I wiped my tears and stand up, Im going home for now. I want to go home.

I feel my phone vibrating, and I saw my unnie calling.

박봄 unnie is calling...

I answered it and let her talk first while Im walking here at the han river.

"Chae..." She started.

"I knew it unnie, im fine." I said and sh*t I sobbed.

"Don't cry please..." She said.

"You lied."

"Im sorry..."

"Why...?" I asked confused.

"We lied, cause we don't want you to limit yourself..." She said.

"Damn." I uttered.

"Rosé...." She's serious cause she's calling me Rosé.

"What unnie!? What are the things I still don't know? Tell me now please...!" I said while crying.

"Where are you...?" She asked.

I can't handle it anymore so I hang the phone up.


"Rosé.... Let us explain..." I saw the girls all in our living room now.

"Enough unnie... Im tired..." I said referring to Jisoo unnie.

"Sorry..." Lisa said.

I just walk to my room.

"I just want you to know, we chose to hide it from you, cause we know once you knew it, we'll going to lose the Chaeyoung we have. We'll going to lose the energetic and positive Rosé, you'll going to put your self under limitations and boundaries, you'll forget the life you use to live with, the life your were born. You'll forget your existence and just go with thoughts of negativity... Were afraid of that scenarios, that made us lied to you. We don't want to lose you Chae... We can't... We can't handle to lose you..." Jennie unnie said and sniffed.

Don't Leave Me, Again. (BTS X BLACKPINK)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang