Say What!!!!

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I was so excited for I have heard so many stories of Neverland from father and the crew about how dangerous it is and how tricky the demon boy Peter Pan was.

I jumped up and down knowing that my day had just gone from barking orders to possibly fighting lost boys and maybe seeing the dangerous Peter Pan myself.

" Alright, you sea dogs start working we have a long journey had of us!!"

I yelled out and some looked my way others started working harder than before. I saw cabin boy scrubbing the deck on his hands and knees the only was father liked his ship decks cleaned.

I felt like teasing  him, so I did

" You missed a spot sleepy butt."

I said pointing with my boot. My dress fell perfectly around my leg so you could see my (s/c) legs and how beautiful they were. He looked up at first with anger in his eye then shock spread across his face for his eyes went all the way up my leg and then up my body and finally to my face.

I was smiling

" Did you hear me?"

He looked back down at the deck and in a low whisper  he said: " Yes I heard you (y/n)."

" Good."

and I stepped back and I watched him watch my pirate dress cover up my beautiful legs once more. I looked to see the crew looking in my direction and at the cabin boy.

"Get back to work you filthy men!!!!"

They scampered away and went right back to work.

" Well, you sure do like causing  trouble don't you??"

" Well, papa... what can I say I'm a pirate."

He laughed and patted my shoulder

"You sure are a pirate!!"

I smiled for my father did not give many complements but when he did he meant them. 

^ Time skip brought to you by Tinker bell!!^

The day was long and hard but watching the sunset always made it worth it. Someone leaned next to me on the rails and I could see it was cabin boy.

"Did you not eat cabin boy??"

"I have a name you know."

"I know but I like your nickname better."

An: this what I think the sunset would look like!!!

Most of the crew was eating and you could hear them laughing from down below. But up here it was quiet and peaceful I  got so caught up in the moment that I  did not notice that I had laid my head on Luke's shoulder. We watched the sun disappear into the horizon and I waited to see what was going to happen next. Luke put his strong arm around me and pulled me into a side hug. I giggled.

" Who knew that the cabin boy was a softy."

"I'm a softy only around you."

I looked up at him in shock. Whatever light was left in the sky captured his strong jawline and his dark slightly curly hair his strong body curves and his light-colored lips.

He leaned in for a kiss and I was about to but that's when I heard footsteps from be hide us.

" I wish you would have told me that you were dating the cabin boy."

I rolled my eyes and turned to see my father standing there with his arms crossed and his face promised if Luke did not let go of me he might not have an arm to hang around me much longer. Luke let go and ran down below deck.

"Do you always have to make them run away??" 

I said with amusement in my voice.

" Yes, I do."

I started walking but I was stopped

" Wait (y/n) what I really wanted to say was you are not going to step foot on Neverland."

I looked at him and yelled


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Zena Hunters

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