I woke up, I sat up and it was early. The dream felt so real. I could feel the warmth of him. I blinked and was in a daze. It was a lucid dream. I took deep breaths and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and sat at my bed. It was just a dream. I couldn’t be his. I didn’t know him. It was just a dream. A repressed desire that I wanted. Yes I wanted Zane but that was impossible. I kept repeating in my mind that it was a dream.

I stood up and grabbed a jacket. I walked to the Java House and go an iced tea. I sat at the same spot and was reading another magazine. I used to have tons of magazines at home. Now I just come here and read magazines.  I was reading an article on how teens party too hard when I felt it again. Like someone was watching me. I just kept reading my magazine but it felt stronger. I looked up and Zane was sitting in the same seat. He had a coffee cup in his hands. Though it was untouched. He was looking at me. He smiled as I looked at him.  “Hello Selena.” He said. “Hi Zane.” As I looked at him, images of my dream surfaced and I tried to push them away. I looked at him and he looked like he was thinking about something that amused him. I wonder what that was. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Just reading a magazine.” I said. “oh. What are you doing today.” He was looking at me? I was wearing jogging shorts and a jacket and my running shoes. I had my hair tied in a messy bun. “go jogging in the park.” I said. I could swear he was looking at my legs. I felt awkward I crossed my legs. He looked up. “oh that seems fun. Mind if I join you?” he asked. That would be awkward. I didn’t know the guy, but I know I wanted know more. He was so mysterious. I eyed his clothes. He was wearing jeans and a shirt. “are you gonna jog in that?” I asked. He chuckled. “Why of course not silly.” He said. I felt dumb. I just smiled. “okay. Well if you want to change you can. I’ll be here.” I said. “or you could come with me?” he said. I looked at him. “okay.” I said hesitantly. He stood up quickly and reached his hand towards me. It reminded me of the dream. I looked at him. He looked as if he was reading my mind and that he had shared the same dream as me. I took his hand slowly and he pulled me up. We were inches apart. Almost like how we were on the staircase. I blinked and let go of his hand. “lead the way.” I said. He just smiled and nodded. We left the coffee shop. “are we walking there?” I asked as we walked on the sidewalk. There were a lot of people. “No we’ll take a cab.” He stopped and hailed a cab for us. A yellow taxi cab stopped and he opened the door for me. I slid in and he followed. He leaned forward and gave the driver directions. I couldn’t hear him. The driver nodded and began to drive. “Are you following me?” I asked bluntly. “What do you mean.” He asked. He was looking straight ahead. “Well I’ve never seen you at the Java House until I met you at the park. And you’re there again this morning.” I said. I looked at him. “Well. Maybe I just like their coffee.” He said. I remembered that he didn’t touch his coffee. “Really. I hadn’t seen you touch your coffee.” I said. He just smiled. “Do you have to be so persistent?” he laughed. “yes. I don’t know if you’re some stalker.” I said. “I’m not. I just. You just intrigue me.” he said. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. His eyes were bright and had many hidden secrets locked away. “Why me?” I asked. “I don’t know.” He said. I looked down and the rest of the drive was quiet.

We stopped at a town house. It was bricked walled and had several windows. Zane opened the black iron gate and I followed him. He brought out an old style golden key. He opened the big wooden door and ushered me in. I gasped. It was beautiful inside. I felt like I’d been here before. I looked and my eyes widen. I had been here before, in my dreams. It looked exactly like my dream. The brick building was just a façade. It was much bigger inside. Zane was watching my reaction, as if he expected me to know. If the house was exactly in my dream, then Zane would have wings, and he didn’t.

“Follow me” he said. He started to walk up the staircase, I just stood there frozen. He was several steps up and noticed that I wasn’t following. He turned and stuck out his hand. I blinked. “Aren’t you coming or are you going to stay there.” He said. I walked up the stairs. I ignored his hand. He smiled and continued walking up the stairs. “You like my home?”he asked. “Yea it’s beautiful.” I said. “You looked a little shocked when you came in.” he said. “Yea, it’s just. I just feel like I’ve been here before.” I said. I didn’t want to tell him about the dream. “Really. Have you been here before? I just got the place not too long ago.” He was smiling, as if he was hiding something. “No I haven’t. I’ve seen it in a dream.” I blurted. I mentally slapped myself. “Really. What happened in this dream of yours?” he stopped walking and we were at the top of the stairs. He was facing me. We were close to each other. He was looking down at me and smiling. “Just that I saw this staircase and was walking up it.” I gave him vague details. I didn’t want him to know. “Oh. Why were you going up a staircase? Was there something you wanted in particular?” he asked knowingly. I breathed. I could smell him. He smelt like a summer’s breeze. “Nope. I was just climbing stairs.” I lied. “Uh. Huh.” He sounded as if he didn’t believe me. “Yup.” I blinked and remembered why we were here. “aren’t you gonna change?” I asked and took a step back. He smiled and began to walk. We came to a big wooden door. He opened it and it was his room. It was a huge room. He had a king sized bed in the middle of the room. It had golden sheets. There was different doors, probably leading to a closet and a bathroom. His floor was white marble and there was a gold duvet at the foot of the bed. The odd thing was there wasn’t a TV or stereo. It wasn’t a typical teenagers room. There was a big book shelf with tons of leather bound books.

“I will change. Make yourself comfortable.” He smiled and went to a door. He opened it and I could see it was a big walk in closet. Wow. I took a seat on the duvet. There was a vanity table against the wall and a giant mirror.

Zane came out wearing a white shirt and loose shorts. He had running shoes on. He was smiling at me. “I’m ready.” He said. I stood up. He opened the door for me. “So you live here alone?” I asked. It was such a big home for someone who lived alone. “No, I have several servants and Valerian lives here too.” He said. Servants? He had servants. “oh. What about your parents?” I asked. “My mother died when I was young and my father was killed.” He said. He was alone, like me. “Oh I’m sorry.” I said. I truly was, I knew how it felt to lose people you loved. “Thank you. but you don’t need to be sorry. What about you?” He said. “What about me?” I asked. We were walking out of his home. We reached the gate and he shut it. “Do you live with your parents?” he asked. I suddenly felt sad. “No. They died in a car accident recently.” I said. We were walking down the street. “Oh my. I’m sorry to hear that.” He said. “You shouldn’t be.” I said. I was looking at the pavement. “So you live alone?” he asked. “No I live at an orphanage. I’m not old enough to live alone.” I said. “Oh. How old are you?” he asked. “I’m 16, turning 17 in a few months.” I said. “oh I’m 17” he said. He looked more nineteen. “Oh, and you get to live alone?” I said. Lucky. “I guess.” He said. We walked several blocks.

“So you don’t go to school?” I asked. “No, I was homeschooled. My only friend is Valerian. He’s my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were five.” He said. “oh. Well I don’t have best friends. I like to keep to myself.” I said. “I hope you won’t shun me out.” He said out of nowhere. “What?” I asked. I wanted to make sure I heard him right. “I said I hope you won’t shun me out.” He said. I looked up at him and he was smiling. He had perfect straight, white teeth. “Don’t worry, I won’t” I said softly. “Good. It’d hurt me if you did.” He said. I hadn’t noticed but we stopped walking and were facing each other. “But you just met me.” I said and it was true. “I just. It’s just I think we have a connection.” He said softly. Looking at me intently. “How do you know that?” I said. “I can feel it.” he said. He was so straight forward. This was so fast. “Really?” I asked. “Yes, and that dream. I know what it is because I had the same dream.” He said. I went stiff. He couldn’t have. “How do I know you’re not lying?” I said, challenging him. “You were wearing a white ball gown and you walked up the steps. I had my hand out to you and you took it. I brought you close to me.” as he said that he took my right a hand and pulled me close to me as he did in the dream. “like this and whispered ‘You are mine’” He said it like in the dream. I felt dazed and confused. How was this possible?


Okay well i hope you guys enjoyed it and next chapter soon.

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