Les Mis Characters Sorted into Hogwarts Houses

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Jean Valjean- Gryffindor- His decisions are fueled by his heart, and his actions are fearless. 

Javert- Ravenclaw- He follows the black and white concrete knowledge that is in his grasp.

Cosette-Hufflepuff- She is raised to love people and help them, and she is fiercely loyal her Papa.

Eponine-Slytherin-She literally dresses up as a boy just so she can be with Marius. That's using "any means to achieve their ends".

.Marius- Gryffindor-He makes every decision based on emotions, and can be headstrong.

Enjolras- Hufflepuff-He is fiercely loyal to France and its poor, and is "unafraid of toil", prepared to plan and execute a revolution for it.

(Not gonna do all of Les Amis, that'll take all year. If you want to see a specific character, request them in the comments.-Calliope)

Thenardier-Slytherin- He is a crafty swindler, who despite his horrible filth of character and low success rate, he is rather clever, though not suited for book learning.

Fantine-Hufflepuff-She is fiercely loyal to her daughter, even dying for her.

UPDATE (3/13/21)

I have thought about it and placed some characters into other houses. The arguments for both are valid honestly. Besides, I'm not actually a magic hat.

Eponine- Gryffindor; she is ruled by her emotions instead of rational thought, just like many, many good Gryffindors

Enjolras -Slytherin; he is incredibly ambitious, and willing to do whatever it takes to acheive his goals.

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