When dessert was consumed and Matthew deemed they were done they all retired to the study for a few lessons in Whist. After some time Abigail noticed how late it was as the clock chimed nine. Mary was already asleep on the settee by the fire, Harry consumed by the books was curled in a chair scanning each page while Phillip was being schooled by Matthew in chess. She hated to interpret. When had they had this much fun.

She moved behind Matthew and watched him move his pawn and explain to Phillip why he did what he did. She smiled as she watched her family take in Matthew's life in stride. Well one would assume moving up in life was an easier adjustment than the opposite.

"Your Grace, It is getting late. We really should be going." Abigail touched Matthews shoulder and squeezed. He turned and smiled up at her. He placed his hand upon hers.

"The rooms upstairs are for you and the children. I will send you back in the morning." At the gasp of both boys he knew he made the right choice to let them spend the night at Weldrick Hall.

With a pull of a red rope with a golden tassel that dangled at the end a maid showed up at the door to the study. "Your Grace?" She curtsied and awaited orders.

"Please show the boys to their rooms. Have someone carry Mary to hers."

The maid left the room for only a few seconds and came back to collect the boys followed by a robust man that picked up Mary like a sack of potatoes and followed them all out. Leaving Matthew and Abigail alone once more.

As she watched the children leave the room her nerves took control of her body. She sat down on the settee in front of the fire and stared into its depths. She was miles away when she felt the cushions dip from his weight. She continued to look ahead knowing if she looked at him she would never have the courage to tell him.

"I have thought about your proposal." She paused trying to form the right words. None came, so she bluntly told him what he waited to hear. "My answer is yes."

Before she could say anything else he grabbed her face and kissed her deeply. She pulled away from him. "I must explain that I am doing this to give the children a better life than what I can provide them right now."

Desire smoldered in his eyes as he scanned her face. "Is that the only reason?"

Her eyes narrowed. "What other reason would there be?"

"Your desire for me is a good start." His hand had moved to her thigh and was moving slowly up towards the inside of her thigh.

She stood instantly to bring some distance between them. She would lose all thought it he kept it up. "That may be why you asked me in the first place, but I have more than just my desire to think about. Those three come first. I am all that they have and I must know that they will be provided for before anything commences." She stood proud in front of him. "I may be poor and without a title but I am no fool. I must have assurance that while I am your," she waved her hand through the air unwilling to label herself, "that the children and myself are assured of some form of compensation."

He nodded in acknowledgement and rose from the settee. He gave her no response and left her standing waiting. Behind his desk of mahogany oak that looked bigger than the room it was put in he pulled a piece of parchment out and proceeded to write upon it.

Abigail was never considered a patient person and not knowing what Matthew was doing was killing her. She moved closer to his desk and watched him. He wrote for a few moments longer and signed his name to the bottom. He handed her the document to read.

"Can you read?" He didn't let go of the paper till she answered him. His question was legitimate since most people that weren't previllaged could not read and write. It still felt like a insult towards her and showed just how different she was than him.

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