1. Breaking Out

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“They’re abominations,” Chad said as he slammed the remote down on the table. Those were her kin he was talking about. Virginia closed her eyes and leaned against the sink, facing the window. It had almost become second nature to push her wolf down. She had taught herself to be submissive to this man that she knew she could rip apart and eat. She had needed him, still needed him for the time being, because he was a good cover. No one would expect the little wife of Chad Blecking to be a Lycan. Certainly not his pretty innocent daughter. Of course, she wasn’t sure if Olivia was wolf or not. Olivia was only sixteen, still a year away from changing for the first time, if she ever would.

“Yes they are,” Virginia agreed with her husband. Once she was certain her eyes bore no wolf white she turned to look at him. He was staring at her hungrily, not bothering to hide his erection. She forced herself to give him a seductive smile. She tried to remember that there was a time when she enjoyed his touch.

“Hey! I’m home!” Olivia yelled as she closed the front door behind her. A heavy thud sounded as her book bag fell to the ground.

“Hi honey,” Virginia said as she cupped her daughter’s face and kissed her forehead lightly.

“Hi Mom,” she smiled at her mother, “What’s for dinner? Hi Dad!” She watched her daughter flow gracefully over to her father and give him a kiss on the cheek. She must have gotten the grace from Chad, it certainly wasn’t from her. He smiled. At least he loved her genuinely.

“I’m making stuffed shells.”

“Oh yummy!”

“Homework?” Chad asked.

“Just a little, I was thinking I would do it later. After dinner,” Olivia said as she swiped a yogurt out of the stainless steel fridge.

“Or now,” Chad said.

“Or now.” Olivia moved without protest to her room.

“You know,” Virginia said as she began dicing the onion for the sauce, “It wouldn’t kill her to put homework off until after dinner every once in a while.”

“Are you sure about that?” Chad’s voice in her ear startled her. She hadn’t heard him get up from the chair. The knife slipped and she sliced right into her thumb, nearly down to the bone. She hissed and he backed away as she flew to the sink and ran the wound under water.

“Let me see,” Chad said. She wrapped her hand over the wound, blood flowing freely through her fingers.

“I’m just going to wrap it, it’s not that bad. Don’t need to go to the hospital.” She shouldered past him, leaving him staring after her. She flew up the stairs so she could get a bandage on it before it closed completely. A bandage lacking blood would seem suspicious. As she pulled the first aid kit out and began wrapping her hand, her mind raced. He had been standing right behind her. Had he seen how deep the cut had been? She was always so careful around him, not to get hurt. She healed too quickly to hide.


Dinner was a success, as it always was. If there was one good thing she could do, it was cook. She stared at her daughter as she ate and talked with her father. Virginia saw more of herself in her daughter than she expected. They had the same face and eye shape. Her full lips, high cheekbones, and wavy blonde hair, she had gotten from Chad. Those green-blue eyes were all Virginia though. Olivia was also graced with Virginia’s full hips and chest. She received a small waist from her father’s side. She had the ultimate hourglass shape. Sometimes it was hard for Virginia to believe her nose, that her daughter was still a virgin.  But she was, miraculously. The girl had never even brought home a boyfriend.

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