A Break on Highway

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"Yes Emily, I will be there in two hours. I missed the train.....I didn't want to. Yeah, borrowed Ralph's bike..hmm...no rash biking, conformed. Bye, see you there." I ended the call.

I had to be at my fiance, Emily's birthday party at 5PM but the meeting lasted longer than I thought. Which resulted in me missing the train.

My office's watchman, Ralph, a decent man had landed me his bike and I was on my way to the country side, where the party was going to be held.

I like to go fast on bike, much to the terror of Emily, but I had no choice now, either drive fast or die on the hands of your future wife.

I want to live.

I was moving on fast pace, it was a glorious afternoon, the sky was a shade of purple and wind brushing my face as I went; this was life. It was going to be perfect, when after a month, Emily would share the back seat with me, my ring on her finger.

But then, I heard a weeping sound and stopped abruptly, the sound was coming from the other side of the highway, the woods.

The sound seemed so small and distant, but still cold and blood curdling. I abandoned the bike to look from the railing, what's wrong, but the woods were still as ever, no movement. No one in sight.

I turned to sit on my bike again but all of a sudden, again the voice came. More clear than ever, it was high pitched weep of a girl, the sound was so mournful that I lost control of myself and turned to enter the forest, without thinking.

The woods were dense, making me feel claustrophobic but I had to see where the sound was coming from, so I got deeper and deeper.

The weeping voice got higher and higher. With every step, I thought 'this is it, she should be her.' But there was no one. Whoever she was, she was in great pain, I could tell, just by listening her sobs.

The woods started thinning, after a few paces, I found myself standing on a long abandoned path leading to a villa, its paint so warned off, I had no idea what color it was of before. Like the road, the house looked abdicated too.

I walked closer to it, the shrill wails still summoning me. But on the back of my head, another woman's voice was crying at me. Pleading for me to turn back; maybe it was Emily.

But I did not have the control or strength to move on my own accord. The cold wails swayed me towards it like a magnet, numbing my brain's capacity to reason.

I stopped at the entrance gate and observed the burnt marks on the left side of villa. It was severely demolished, maybe that's why it was abandoned, a wild fire caught the forest and the inhabitants of this place left due to the danger of living in wilderness.

The gate creaked open, barely sitting on it's hinges. The entrance room was dimly lit, I couldn't make the shapes in it. But I could feel someone staring at me from inside. I didn't dare move an inch.

Ever so slowly, a little figure came forward. Her feet and arms were pale and raw covered in scars and burnt marks. Her face was painfully hideous, covered in gore with a big chunk of her cheek absent, hair mushed and burnt, she was the one wailing with mouth full of blood.

Then I met her eyes, they were pale green, brimming with tears but eerily lifeless.

"Who did....W-What happened to you!?" I asked, voice barely escaping my throat.

"The house was on fire... mommy and daddy forgot me...I ran to the basement in fire...It hurt." She told me in a distraught, little voice. "No one came for me...A bear did."

She wrinkled her forehead. "And ate me."


"No one came then. When I was crying in pain. People do come now, when I am dead."

"I-I am sorry."

"You should be. Dying is painful, you will know it today." She looked at me with big terrifying eyes. "You will be my companion."

I was stunned, I wanted to run but my feet won't move. Emily was silent in my head. She gave up on me as well. I will never attend her birthday, never see her again. I have a feeling, that they will never find my body.

The mutilated girl in front of me took a step forward.

I closed my eyes.

The girl lunged and crashed on top of me, tearing my face into shreds.

Good bye Emily, I love you. I am waiting here with my new companion.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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